Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
Not aplicable
Mode of delivery |
Face to Face with recourse to e-learning.
Work placements |
Not applicable
Learning outcomes |
The general objectives of the course unit Perspectives in Biochemistry are: -To provide an introduction to the history and importance of biochemistry in today's society; -To promote contact with various issues related to scientific research in Biochemistry, both at a fundamental and technological level, and to develop a taste for research; -Contact with the applied component of Biochemistry, emphasising the interdisciplinarity between the various areas of knowledge and the importance of Biochemistry in the context of the development of science; -To present some career paths in the field of biochemistry; Encouraging a taste for active participation in lectures and conferences and other moments of non-formal learning. -Demonstrate how to search for scientific information in databases. - Introduce students to bioethics and bioinformatics applied to biochemistry. - Know how to identify the risks in a chemical laboratory and how to preserve their safety.
Syllabus |
1. Definition, history and evolution of Biochemistry - The applications of biochemistry - employability in biochemistry - Prospects and challenges
2. Bibliographical research in Biochemistry - Web of Science, PUBMED and B-on - Other IT tools
3. Methodology and aspects of scientific work -Organising scientific work and the laboratory -Reports and scientific articles -Oral presentations -Panel presentations
4- Bioethics in the Life Sciences -Ethical regulation in clinical research on human beings and experimental research on animals - Ethical dilemmas in complex clinical situations and in the care of patients with special needs -Ethics in clinical studies, informed consent -One Health concept
5- Bioinformatics - concepts of algorithms and programming, introducing the Python language - Introducing programming tests and conditions in Biochemistry.
6. Safety in the Biochemistry Laboratory. -Biological Laboratory Safety. Emergency procedures.
Main Bibliography |
Scientific articles searched in biochemistry and life sciences databases. Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics. Vol.1-páginas-1-69 Oxford Handbook of Bioethics
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The content will be covered in the form of seminars, organised with the collaboration of invited guests who respond to the programme content. These seminars will take place in 2-hour sessions that can include an expository part and a discussion part, in which student participation is encouraged. Students are also asked to develop a piece of work in the field of biochemistry and present it.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.