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  4. Contemporary Sociological Theories

Contemporary Sociological Theories

Code 13124
Year 2
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Sociology
Entry requirements Not applicable.
Mode of delivery Face to face
Learning outcomes To learn the major contemporary sociological theories and their critiques. To stimulate the critical thinking and to develop a sociological perspective of social phenomena; to develop critical skills to assess different sociological theories and their relation with processes of social change; to develop an ethical attitude.
Syllabus 1. introduction
2. Theories on the articulation between action and structure
3. Theories of Globalisation and Change
4. Theories of Post-Modernity Foucault 5. Theories of Rationality and Social Networks
6. Feminist Theories and Queer Theory
7. Race and (Post)Colonialism
Main Bibliography BROWNING, Gary, HALCLI, Abigail e WEBSTER, Frank (2000), Understanding Contemporary Society – Theories of the Present. London: Sage Pub.
CALHOUN, Craig, GERTEIS, Joseph, MOODY, James, PFAFF, Steven e VIRK, Idermohan (ed.) (2022), Contemporary Sociological Theory. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
CORCUFF, Philippe (1998), Las Nuevas Sociologías: Construcciones de la Realidad Social. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Ritzer, George and STEPNISKY, Jeffrey (2022) Contemporary sociological theory and its classical roots : the basics. London: Sage Pub.
TURNER, Jonathan (2013), Contemporary Sociological Theory. London: Sage Pub.

BAUMAN, Zygmunt (2001), Modernidade Líquida, Rio de Janeiro: Zahar.
BOURDIEU, Pierre (1999) A Dominação Masculina. Oeiras: Celta Ed.
FOUCAULT, Michel (2004) Vigiar e punir : nascimento da prisão. Petropolis: Ed. Vozes
GiDDENS, Anthony (1992), As Consequências da Modernidade, Oeiras: Celta.

Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Continuous assessment
- 3 small individual assignments on at least 2 authors.
- The assignments will count for 45% of the final mark
- 2 written tests. 55% final mark

- Assessment by exam
- 1 comprehensive test - access to exam
- exam

Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-11-25

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