Main Bibliography |
BROWNING, Gary, HALCLI, Abigail e WEBSTER, Frank (2000), Understanding Contemporary Society – Theories of the Present. London: Sage Pub. CALHOUN, Craig, GERTEIS, Joseph, MOODY, James, PFAFF, Steven e VIRK, Idermohan (ed.) (2022), Contemporary Sociological Theory. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. CORCUFF, Philippe (1998), Las Nuevas Sociologías: Construcciones de la Realidad Social. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. Ritzer, George and STEPNISKY, Jeffrey (2022) Contemporary sociological theory and its classical roots : the basics. London: Sage Pub. TURNER, Jonathan (2013), Contemporary Sociological Theory. London: Sage Pub.
Additional BAUMAN, Zygmunt (2001), Modernidade Líquida, Rio de Janeiro: Zahar. BOURDIEU, Pierre (1999) A Dominação Masculina. Oeiras: Celta Ed. FOUCAULT, Michel (2004) Vigiar e punir : nascimento da prisão. Petropolis: Ed. Vozes GiDDENS, Anthony (1992), As Consequências da Modernidade, Oeiras: Celta.