Main Bibliography |
1 Main bibliography Freire, João (2001), Sociologia do Trabalho: uma introdução, Afrontamento, Porto Grint, Keith (1998), Sociologia do Trabalho, Piaget, Lisboa Mintzberg, H. (1995), Estrutura e dinâmica das organizações, Dom Quixote, Lisboa
2 Additional Casaca, S. F. (Coord.) (2012) Mudanças laborais e relações de género. Coimbra, Almedina. Edgell, Stephen, Gottfried, Heidi and Granter, Edward (2016) The SAGE Handbook of Socioloy of Work and Employment, London, SAGE. Crozier, Michel (1964) Le phénomène bureaucratique, Paris, Le Seuil. Dray, G. (Coord.) (2016) Livro verde sobre as relações laborais, Lisboa, GEP. Friedman, Georges (1968) O Futuro do Trabalho Humano, Lisboa, Moraes Editores. Holland, Peter and Brewster, Chris (Ed.) (2020), Contemporary work and the future of employment in developed countries, New York, Routledge. Kovacs, Ilona (coord.) Sara F. Casaca, Maria C. Cerdeira, João Peixoto (2014) Temas Actuais da Sociologia do Trabalho e da Empresa, Coimbra, Almedina.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The programme will be developed through theoretical-practical classes comprising the presentation of subjects, generally using texts or audiovisual material, and the carrying out of application, reflection and discussion work by the students - individually and in groups (encouraging team-based learning).
Assessment will comprise the following elements:
1 - Participation in classes and activities proposed by the teacher (50%)
2 - Written test (part I and II of the syllabus) (50%)
The student's final mark will result from the weighted average of the assessment elements.