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  4. Qualitative Data Analysis

Qualitative Data Analysis

Code 13130
Year 2
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Sociology
Entry requirements Without entry requirements.
Mode of delivery Face-to-face.
Learning outcomes - Gain knowledge about different qualitative data analysis methodologies, identifying specific application contexts;
- Develop basic skills of planning, executing, critical analyzing and dissemination of the results of qualitative investigations.
At the end of this CU, students should be able to:
- Develop attitudes and practices of interpretive rigor and objective analysis of qualitative data using theoretical perspectives, concepts and research results;
- To know and apply techniques, procedures and strategies of qualitative analysis, identifying potentialities and constraints;
- Know and know how to use qualitative analysis software;
- Know how to adapt various techniques and procedures to various types of qualitative data;
- Adopt the ethical principles inherent in the analysis of qualitative data and the production of scientific knowledge.

Syllabus 1. The diversity of theoretical-methodological approaches in qualitative studies.
2. Qualitative studies and qualitative data (eg visual, documentary, discursive, direct observation).
3. Mixed methods (from combining methods to combining techniques - both quantitative and qualitative).
4. Ethical issues in qualitative analysis.
5. Techniques, strategies and procedures for the treatment and analysis of qualitative data (eg categorical analysis, sociological portraits, life grid).
6. Analysis of qualitative data using software.
7. Write qualitative research.

Main Bibliography 1.Stake, R. (1998).Case studies.In Denzin N. & Lincoln YS. (Eds.).Handbook of qualitative research (pp. 236-247).Thousand Oaks:Sage. Stake, R.(2007). A Arte da Investigação com Estudos de Caso.Lisboa:F. C. Gulbenkian. Strauss, A.& Corbin, J. (1998). Basics of qualitative research:Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory.Thousand Oaks: Sage. 2. Augusto, A. (2014).Metodologias quantitativas/metodologias qualitativas:mais do que uma questão de preferência. Fórum Sociológico, p. 73-77. Becker, H. (1995). Visual sociology, documentary photography and photojournalism: It's (almost) all a matter of context. Visual Studies, 10: 1: 5-14.Lahire, B. (2002).Portraits Sociologiques. Paris: Nathan Nico, M. (2015). Bringing life ‘‘back into life course research’’:using the life grid as a research instrument for qualitative data. Qual Quant, 50:2107-2120.Santos, F. (2014).Pesquisa Qualitativa: o debate em torno de algumas questões metodológicas.Revista Angolana de Sociologia,14:11-24.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-03-10

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