Learning outcomes |
Introduction to organizational behavior in all its components and learning; the individual dimension: personality, emotion and satisfaction; the group dimension: work teams, leadership, communication and conflicts; and the structural dimension: politics, technology, culture and change. At the end of the curricular unit the student should identify and distinguish the individual and the group components of organizational behavior: values, attitudes, personality, phases of group evolution, team management and leadership. The student should also be able to identify the communication needs and the sources of conflict, defining and implementing preventive strategies of action. The student must also identify the structural factors that limit the performance of organizations and develop integrated plans to respond to the demands imposed by each organizational context (cultural, technological or other).
Syllabus |
1 - Introduction to organizational behavior. 2 - The individual 2.1- Characteristics, values, attitudes and job satisfaction. 2.2- Personality, emotion, perception and decision making. 2.3 - Motivation, from theories to application. 2.4 – Psychological contract and moral harassment at work. 3 - Groups and work teams. 3.1 - Group concepts and processes. 3.2 - Leadership and communication. 3.3 - Power, conflict and negotiation. 4- The organizational system. 4.1- Organizational structure, technology and work planning. 4.2- Human resources policies and practices. 4.3- Organizational culture. 5- The organizational dynamics. 5.1- Organizational learning 5.2- Change and stress. 5.3- Ethics, citizenship and organizational responsibility 5.4- Organizational behavior in the virtual/digital era.
Main Bibliography |
- CUNHA, M.P., REGO, A., CUNHA, R.C., CARDOSO, C.C. (2016) “Manual de Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão”, (6ªEd.), Editora RH, Lisboa. - FERREIRA, J.M.C., NEVES, J., e CAETANO, A. (2011) "Manual de Psicossociologia das organizações", McGraw-Hill, Lisboa. - GONÇALVES, S.(2014) Psicossociologia do trabalho e das organizações, Lidel Pactor, Lisboa. - HOFSTEDE, G. (2003) "Culturas e organizações, compreender a nossa programação mental", McGraw-Hill, Lisboa. - NEWSTROM J.W. (2008) "Comportamento Organizacional, o comportamento humano no trabalho", McGraw-Hill Brasil, S.Paulo, - REGO, A., CUNHA, M.P, (2009) "Manual de Gestão Transcultural de Gestão de Recursos Humanos", Editora RH, Lisboa. - ROBBINS, S.P. (2010) "Comportamento Organizacional”, Pearson, S.Paulo. - SCHEIN, E.H. (2010) Organizational culture and Leadership, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. - ROBBINS, S.P., JUDGE A.T. (2022) "Organizational behaviour”, 19 Edition, Pearson.