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Sociology of Youth

Code 13163
Year 3
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Sociology
Entry requirements Not applicable
Mode of delivery face-to-face
Work placements Not applicable
Learning outcomes - To provide a theoretical and conceptual framework that allows an understanding of contemporary youth;
- Understand the main characteristics of contemporary young people and their importance in the processes of social and political change;
At the end of CU the student must be able to:
- Understand the main characteristics of contemporary youth;
- Analyze the processes of transition to adulthood, its particularities and recent changes;
- Adapt strategies / youth policies of intervention to the characteristics of contemporary youth.
Syllabus Chapter I - A (s) youth (s) - concepts and theories
1. Youth and temporary irresponsibility
2. Theories of youth
3. The youth (sub)cultures
4. Young people in risk society
Chapter II - The transition to adulthood in the risk society
1. From school to work and marriage?
2. The role of schools and schooling
3. The transition to work
4. Family life
Chapter III - Youth and social exclusion
1. Exclusive trajectories
2. Young people as a risk group
Chapter IV - Generations and value change
1. The post-modernization
2. Religiosity and secularization
3. The left-right cleavage
Chapter V - Youth, citizenship and the political
1. Political attitudes
2. Political participation
3. Political deinstitutionalization
4. Youth movements
Chapter VI - Youth and risk behaviors
1. Sexuality - between experimentation and risk
2. Consume - the confrontation with the risk
3. Juvenile delinquency - Causes and consequences
Main Bibliography --
AUGUSTO, Nuno Miguel (2006), Novos Actores Sobre Velhos Palcos: Juventude, política e ideologías no Portugal democrático, Covilhã: UBI
BOURDIEU, Pierre (1984), Questions de Sociologie, Paris: Editions Minuit
CABRAL, M. Villaverde e Pais, J. Machado (coord.), Jovens Portugueses de Hoje, Oeiras; Celta, pp. 359-382
FURLONG, Andy e CARTMEL, Fred (1996), Young People and Social Change, Buckingham: Open University Press
GALLAND, Olivier (2001), Sociologie de la Jeunesse, Paris: Armand Colin
PAIS, J. Machado (1993), Culturas Juvenis, Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda
PAIS, J. Machado (1998) (coord.), Gerações e Valores na Sociedade Portuguesa Contemporânea, Lisboa: ICS
PAIS, J. Machado e CHRISHOLM, Lynne (coord.) (1997), Jovens em Mudança, Lisboa: ICS
PAIS, J. M., Bendit, René e Ferreira, Vitor Sérgio (2011) (orgs), Jovens e Rumos, Lisboa: ICS

Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The classes will be taught in a theoretical-practical model (TP), emphasizing the active participation of the students. The final grade will depend on the scores obtained in the following assessment components: written test (60%); group work (2 members) 30%; participation and attendance 10%.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-09-25

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