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  4. Sociology of Quotidian and Consumption

Sociology of Quotidian and Consumption

Code 13168
Year 3
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Sociology
Entry requirements None
Learning outcomes Students should:
- know the main sociological approaches to consumption;
- discuss the importance of consumption in daily life in contemporary societies;
- relate consumption practices with the Sustainable Development Goals
- have a critical sociological perspective about the themes developed in the curricular unit.
Syllabus 1. The consumer society
1.1. Consumption, consumerism and consumers
1.2. Daily life and the cathedrals of consumption
1.3. The emotional dimension of consumption and daily life
1.4. Consumer practices and their social and environmental consequences
1.5. Consumer practices and Sustainable Development Goals
1.6. Relationship between consumption and economic growth.
1.7. Relationship between consumption and environmental sustainability: towards a society of degrowth?

Main Bibliography BAUMAN, Zygmunt (2007), Liquid times: living in an age of uncertainty, Cambridge, Polity Press
BERGER, Peter e LUCKMANN, Thomas (1997), Construção Social da Realidade, Petrópolis, Ed. Vozes.
CRUZ, Isabel; GANGA, Rafaela e WAHLEN, Stefan (eds), Contemporary Collaborative Consumption, Springer VS.
FEVRE, Ralph (2003), The New Sociology of Economic Behaviour, Sage Publications.
LATOUCHE, Serge (2010), Degrowth, Journal of Cleaner Production, 18, 519-522.
LIPOVETSKY, Gilles (2006), A Felicidade Paradoxal – Ensaio sobre a Sociedade do Hiperconsumo, Lisboa, Edições 70.
POLANYI, Karl (2012), A Grande Transformação, Edições 70.
SCHWARTZMAN, David (2012): A Critique of Degrowth and its Politics, Capitalism Nature Socialism, 23:1, 119-125.
VAN den BERGH, J. (2011). Environment versus growth: A criticism of “degrowth” and a plea for “a-growth”, Ecological Economics, 70, 881-8
VEBLEN, Thorstein (2018), A Teoria da Classe de Lazer, Actual Editora.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.


Não tem Fotografia.
Sandra Lima Coelho


Last updated on: 2024-06-19

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