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  4. Migrations, Mobilities and Identities

Migrations, Mobilities and Identities

Code 13176
Year 3
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Sociology
Entry requirements not existent
Learning outcomes Specific objectives:
To study the phenomena of movement of people and goods from the late XX century until today. To discuss classical and contemporary migration theories in light of the recent mobilities paradigm and in the context of the contemporary international migration regime. To understand the relation between migration and mobilities and the creation of new social identities, lifestyles and their impact on the international order.

At the end of this CU, students should be able to:
- understand and critically analyse the main singularities and contradictions of the three phenomena and concepts.
- identify and explain the main theories of migration, mobilities and identities and critically discuss the connections between them
- analyse approaches and results of sociological, philosophical and legal research on these issu
Syllabus 1. Introduction: movement, space, belonging and being. The tradition and the new: identity, migrations and mobility.
2. Migrations: main theoretical approaches; migration law and its evolution in history; the contemporary migration regime; migration crises in the contemporary world and the tension between human rights and the sovereign state
3. Mobilities: the making of a “new” social science paradigm; The broad variety of forms and relations: types of mobility; mobility and gender, mobile work and mobility justice.
4. The intercross with identities: lifestyles, life choices and changes.
Main Bibliography Castles, S., De Haas, H., & Miller, M. J. (2013). The age of migration: International population movements in the modern world. Palgrave Macmillan.
Cohen, S. A., Duncan, T., & Thulemark, M. (2015). Lifestyle mobilities: The crossroads of travel, leisure and migration. Mobilities, 10(1), 155-172.
Fine, S. & Ypi, L. (2016) Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership,
UrryJ. (2007). Mobilities. Polity Press

Åkerlund, U. (2013). The best of both worlds: Aspirations, drivers and practices of Swedish lifestyle movers in Malta (Doctoral dissertation, Umeå universitet).
Castles, S. (2007). Twenty-first-century migration as a challenge to sociology. Journal of ethnic and migration studies, 33(3), 351-371.
Fortier, A. M., Ahmed, S., Castañeda, C., & Sheller, M. (2003). Uprootings/Regroundings: Questions of home and migration. Berg.
Morley, D., & Robins, K. (2002). Spaces of identity: Global media, electronic landscapes and cultural boundaries. Routledge
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.


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Catarina Sales


Last updated on: 2023-01-18

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