Learning outcomes |
The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of social movements, exploring their origins, dynamics, impact and current challenges. Students will be able to critically analyse various social movements, understanding their historical context, motivations, strategies, achievements and limitations.
Main Bibliography |
Bergfeld, Mark (2013), The shape of social movements and activism today. Presentation at Essex Radical Conference 2013 nov 14. Eder, Klauss (2015), "Social Movements in a Social Theory". The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements. Gohn, Maria da Glória (2011), “Sociologia dos movimentos sociais: um balanço das teorias clássicas e contemporâneas”, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 36(72), pp. 199-227. Nunes, Cristina (2014), “O conceito de movimento social em debate: dos anos 60 até à atualidade”, Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, nº 75, pp. 131-147. Tarrow, Sidney (2005), The New Transnational Activism. Part Five: Transnational Impacts at Home and Abroad, pp.183-201. Cambridge Touraine, Alain (1996), O que é a democracia?, Lisboa, Instituto Piaget.