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  4. Gender Sociology

Gender Sociology

Code 13187
Year 3
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Sociology
Entry requirements None.
Learning outcomes Understand gender as an important axis of social differentiation and as a fundamental principle for the construction of certain visions of the world and of one's own individuality, in the context of the social transformations that characterize contemporary societies. Reflect on the intersectionality of gender with other major axes of production and reproduction of social inequalities (such as belonging to a certain social class, generational context, sexual or ethnic minority or religious affiliation). Knowing the main theoretical approaches on gender and, simultaneously, works that investigate gender in its relationship with the various dimensions of social life.

Syllabus 1. Introduction to Gender 1.1. Gender, sex and social construction 1.2. Gender transversality
2. Gender Theories 2.1. Historical Perspective of Gender Studies 2.2.1. Functionalism and the theory of sexual roles 2.2.2. Concepts of gender identity and role 2.3. Feminisms 2.3.1. First wave feminism 2.3.2. Feminism of second wave 2.3.3. Feminism of third wave and Queer Theory 2.4. Contemporary Critical Theories 2.4.1. Butler 2.4.2. Bourdieu and Connell 2.5 Gender studies in Portugal
3. Gender and Society. Gender and public sphere: 3.3.1 Political and economic power 3.3.2 Work and social participation 3.4 Gender and private sphere. 3.4.1 Body and sexuality 3.4.2 Identity, masculinities and feminities and queer.
Main Bibliography ALMEIDA, Miguel Vale (1995), Senhores de Si. Uma interpretação Antropológica da Masculinidade, Fim de Século. AMÂNCIO, Lígia (1994), Masculino e Feminino. A construção social da diferença, Porto:Afrontamento. BOURDIEU, Pierre (1999), A Dominação Masculina. Oeiras: Celta. BUTLER, Judith(2013),"Fundamentos contingentes: o feminismo e a questão do “pós-modernismo." Cadernos Pagu,11:11-42. CONNELL, R. W. (2002), Gender. Cambridge: Polity Press. PEREIRA, Maria do Mar (2012). “O estudo do Género nas ciências sociais: dilemas e debates”; “Fronteiras negociáveis: analisar o género numa perspectiva performativa”. In Fazendo Género no Recreio. A negociação do género em espaço escolar, Lisboa: Imprensa das Ciências Sociais, pp. 27-60. SANTOS, Filomena & DIAS, Rita (2019), “THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK…”. In R. P. Costa and S. L. Blair (Ed.), Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, Volume 14 (pp.165–190). Schouten, Maria Johanna (2011), Uma Sociologia do Género. Ribeirão: Ed. Húmus.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2023-06-13

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