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Social Movements and Activism

Code 13196
Year 3
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Sociology
Entry requirements N/A
Learning outcomes It aims to raise students' awareness of the importance of social movements and activism in the current social context, punctuated by dynamics in opposite directions that combine a growing disillusionment with the democratic regime, with the consolidation of new social movements and mobilising causes. It also aims to raise awareness of the emergence of populist and anti-democratic regimes, which call into question freedoms and guarantees. It also demonstrates how civil society is the centre of activism against the violation of fundamental rights, for the defence of causes and in the search for solutions to social problems.
Syllabus I - Democracy, citizenship and participation
1 - Democracy and who threatens it
2 - Portugal and the quality of its democracy
3 - Democracy, freedom and participation
II - Social movements
4 - Towards a definition
5 - Theories of social movements
6 - Old and new social movements
III - Civil society and associativism
7 - Origins and definition
8 - Civil society in Portugal
IV - The voluntary practice
9 - The voluntary activism
10 - The volunteering in numbers
11 - Types of volunteers and volunteering
Main Bibliography Estanque, Elísio (2008), “Sindicalismo e movimentos sociais (I)”. Janus, 1, pp. 184-185.
Fernandes, A. Teixeira (2014), Para uma Democracia Pluralista e Participativa, Lisboa, Mundos Sociais.
Fernandes, Tiago (coord.) (2019), Cultura Política e Democracia, Lisboa, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos
Gohn, Maria da Glória (2011), “Sociologia dos movimentos sociais: um blanaço das teorias clássicas e contemporâneas”, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 36(72), pp. 199-227.
Monteiro, Alcides A., & Montez, Mário (2015), “Sentidos de mobilização e de desmobilização da ação coletiva”, Opinião Pública, 21(1), pp. 217-237.
Nunes, Cristina (2014), “O conceito de movimento social em debate: dos anos 60 até à atualidade”, Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, nº 75, pp. 131-147.
Touraine, Alain (1996), O que é a democracia?, Lisboa, Instituto Piaget.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2023-06-13

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