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  4. Processes of Social Change in Contemporary Societies

Processes of Social Change in Contemporary Societies

Code 13376
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(30H)
Scientific area Sociology
Entry requirements Not applicable.
Mode of delivery Face to face
Learning outcomes Understanding the phenomena of globalization and of the risk and to consider their social impacts on the structure, practices and social relations. Understanding the phenomenon of urbanization, the sustainability challenges and the importance of reflectiveness in contemporary societies.
Syllabus I - Globalization
- Globalization and Globalism
- Global economy, politics and culture?

II - Risk
- Social Risk
- Globalization and Risk
- Handling with individual and collective risk

III - Space, Time and Society
- Territory, sustainability and environment
- Mobility and urban restructuring
- Housing and Urban-exclusion

IV - Reflectiveness
- Reflection and reflectiveness
- Sociology and reflectiveness
Main Bibliography Appadurai, A. (2004), Dimensões culturais da globalização, Teorema, Lisboa.
Ascher, François (1998), Metapolis: Acerca do Futuro da Cidade, Celta Editora, Oeiras.
Bauman, Z. (2005), Liquid life, Cambridge, Polity Press.
Beck, Ulrick (2015), Sociedade de risco mundial: em busca da segurança perdida. Lisboa: Edições 70.
Beck, Ulrick; Giddens, Anthony; Lash, Scott (2000), Modernização Reflexiva. Politica, tradição e estética no mundo moderno, Londres, Oeiras, celta Editora.
Dimas, A.; D. Vaz; L. Baptista (2016), Cidade Global: Segregação e Espetáculo, Montes Claros/MG, Brasil: Editora Unimontes.
Giddens, A. (2001), Modernidade e identidade pessoal, Oeiras, Celta.
Hespanha, Pedro; Carapinheiro, Graça (Org.), Risco social e incerteza, Edições Afrontamento, Vol. 4, Porto.
Schmidt, Luísa (2007), País (In)Sustentável: ambiente e qualidade de vida em Portugal, Ed. Esfera do Caos, Porto.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Teaching and learning activities: theoretical and practical lectures; tutorials; seminars and conferences; oral presentations.

Teaching methods: debating lectures; collective discussions in the classroom on the topics of the syllabus; presentations carried out by experts and professionals.

Methods: elaboration of a critical review and its oral presentation; preparation of an individual work of literature review on a topic of your choice; participation in classes and debates; Final exam.

Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-04-24

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