Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
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Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
Not applied.
Mode of delivery |
Work placements |
Learning outcomes |
This course unit is intended to provide you with the basics of: -Schrodinger atomic model -Periodic properties of the elements -Chemical bonding -Molecular symmetry -Gas state properties -Intermolecular forces -Chemical thermodynamics -Liquid state properties -Chemical kinetics -Solid state properties -Coordination chemistry
Syllabus |
1. Structure and properties of matter. Atomic structure 2. Periodic table of the elements 3. Chemical bonding theories. Lewis structures. VBT. TOM 4. Intermolecular forces. van der Waals and hydrogen forces 5. Molecular symmetry. Point groups 5. Gases. Ideal gases.Dalton's law. Kinetic gases theory. Gas van der Waals 6. Chemical thermodynamics. 1st and 2nd laws. Work and heat. Internal energy and enthalpy.Hess's Law. Entropy and Gibbs energy 7. Liquids. Solutions. Phase diagrams.Enthalpy of solution. Raoult and Henry laws 8. Solids. Bravais lattices. Cubic system 9. Coordination compounds: Transition metals. Nomenclature. Stereochemistry. Crystal Field Theory. Structure. Magnetic properties. Color 10. Chemical kinetics. Speed laws. Empirical and theoretical concepts of chemical kinetics. Arrhenius law.
Practical classes: chemical calculations and laboratory work (solutions; density, coordination compounds, enthalpy of reaction).
Main Bibliography |
1 - Química, K. Goldsby e R. Chang , McGraw-Hill, 11ª ed., Lisboa, 2013
2 - General Chemistry, P.W. Atkins, J.A. Beran, S. A. Books, 2ª ed., New York, 1992
3 - Manual de Química Física, G. Wedler, Fundação C. Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 2001
4 - Química Inorgânica Básica, Ana M. V. Cavaleiro, Universidade de Aveiro, 1999
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The teacher explains the concepts of Chemistry, and the theoretical classes are integrated with practical and/or laboratory classes, in order to become participatory classes, with a view to imparting knowledge in an integrated, not dispersed way, leading students to build and to correlate different facts through the discussion of concrete issues and problems. The evaluation will be continuous, through tests about the topics covered in theoretical and practical/laboratory classes, and through evaluation of the overall laboratory performance (which includes preparation of the work to be carried out, results and discussion of the same, and attitudes in classes and laboratory performance) .
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.