Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
Defined by each Dissertation, Project or Internship Advisor in the duties of the work to be developed.
Mode of delivery |
Work placements |
Only in the evaluation mode "Internship".
Learning outcomes |
At the end of this year's UC, students must be able to correspond to one of the options: 1- to prepare a written dissertation independently; sustain and structure a coherent and current theoretical framework; use solid methodologies and define an appropriate corpus. 2- integrate a company into a 75 to 100 days internship; present a detailed report of this professional experience, which manifests above all: adaptive skills, learning of new skills in a professional context and application of skills and knowledge acquired in the curricular year. 3- Develop a work of practical and technical nature resulting from the reflection on a general issue, that represents an original or relevant contribution in one of the following areas of knowledge: argument, direction, photography, sound and editing.
Syllabus |
DISSERTATION: 1. Choosing of the Advisor; 2. Define a theme and establish an appropriate methodology and corpus; 3. Make a presentation of the project; 4. Conduct research autonomously; 5. Write the dissertation; 6. Present and defend the Dissertation in public examinations. PROJECT: 1. Choice of the Advisor; 2. Prepare a pre-production project: theme, gender, aesthetic and conceptual framework, script, planning (if applicable); 3. Make a presentation of the project; 4. Developement of the project; 5. Write the project report. 6. Present and defend the Project in public examinations. INTERNSHIP: 1. Choice of the Advisor; 2. Select the area and the internship ; 3. Establish a work plan; 4. Start the internship; 5. Write the internship report; 6. Present and defend the Internship Report in public examinations.
Main Bibliography |
The bibliography and the filmography are indicated by each Advisor of Dissertation, Project or Internship, and are researched autonomously by the student; should be mentioned in the documentation presented in the public examinations, according to the specificity of each dissertation, project or internship. All dissertations, project reports or internships are deposited in the UBI library and serve as a reference for students.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Presentation to a jury of the film and respective report or internship report or dissertation.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.