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  3. Pharmaceutical Sciences
  4. Physical-Chemistry


Code 13643
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload PL(30H)/T(30H)
Scientific area Physics and Chemistry
Entry requirements ---
Mode of delivery Face to face.
Work placements Not applicable.
Learning outcomes It is a curricular unit that provides students with basic knowledge of chemistry: essential thermodynamics, chemical physics and chemical phases. Knowledge to be developed based on systems, states and processes, applied to biological phenomena. The student is expected to be able to:
? Master thermology in thermodynamics and chemical kinetics: nomentura, system of units and conventions.
? Apply the learned formalism to solving problems related to biological phenomena, and practical cases of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics.
? Plan, design and execute practical work to study simple thermodynamic and kinetic properties.
? Treat experimental data through understanding the behavior of calculation systems and analysis of derived thermodynamic and kinetic properties.
? Demonstrate scientific and critical ability to interpret the thermodynamic and kinetic behavior of systems.
Syllabus Laws of thermodynamics.
Thermodynamics of solutions: Partial molar quantities. Binary mixture of volatile liquids. Real solutions. Mixing thermodynamics. Colligative properties.
Equilibrium of states and chemistry: Phase diagram. Thermodynamic foundation of chemical equilibrium. Binding of ligands to macromolecules. Bioenergetics, standard state.
Thermodynamics of ions and electron transport: Electrolytic solutions. Ionic activity. Thermodynamics of electrochemical cells. Ion transport across biological membranes
Chemical kinetics: Kinetic parameters. Reaction mechanisms. Dynamic reaction. Catalysis.
Main Bibliography Engel, T. & Reid, P. Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics, and Kinetics. (2021).
Atkins P. , de-Paula J., Physical Chemistry - Thermodynamics, Structure, and Change, (2014).
Bhasin, S. K. Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry: Theory and Practices. (2012).
Chang R., Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences, (2000).
Leung M., Problems and Solutions to accompany Raymond Chang: Physical Chemistry for the Chemical and Biological Sciences, (2000).
Schafer W., Klunker J., Schelenz T., Meier T., Symonds A., Laboratory Experiments Chemistry, (2008).
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-13

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