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Clinical Pharmacy

Code 13668
Year 5
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 12
Workload PL(37H)/T(38H)/TP(75H)
Scientific area Ciências Farmacêuticas
Entry requirements To be a student of Integrated Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences that meets the conditions to attend the 5th year of the course.
Mode of delivery Face-to-face
Work placements Not applicable
Learning outcomes The student should be able to: understand the evolution of clinical pharmacy; understand the importance of pharmacovigilance and how to report suspected adverse drug reactions; predict and detect drug interactions; understand the particularities in the treatment of special subpopulations (pregnancy, lactation, pediatrics and geriatrics); prepare the pharmacotherapeutic history of patients and make decisions in their pharmacotherapy follow-up; develop and apply pharmaceutical indication protocols in conditions susceptible to self-medication; select drugs based on efficacy, safety and cost/effectiveness criteria; know quality systems and to recognize their importance in minimizing medication errors and in the implementation of the good practices; recognize the importance of clinical research, with emphasis in clinical trials; know different types of pharmacoeconomic evaluations; acquire skills in the administration of vaccines and venipuncture.
Syllabus Clinical pharmacy: historical perspective and evolution, emergence of the pharmaceutical care concept. Pharmacovigilance. Drug interactions. Clinical pharmacy in particular conditions: pregnancy and breast feeding. Clinical pharmacy in special subpopulations: pediatrics and neonatology. Clinical pharmacy in special subpopulations: geriatrics. Therapeutic drug monitoring in the clinical practice. Pharmacotherapeutic follow-up: Dader method. Tools to support pharmacotherapeutic review in the elderly: Beers criteria, STOPP/START criteria and EU(7)-PIM list. Pharmaceutical indication protocols in conditions susceptible to self-medication. Selection of medicines and hospital committees. Medication errors. Quality systems and good practices in hospital pharmacy. Clinical trials. Pharmacoeconomics. Vaccines administration in the pharmaceutical practice and venipucture.
Main Bibliography - R Walker, C Edwards (2003); Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 3rd Ed., Churchill Livingstone
- CS Zeind, MG Carvalho (2018); Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs.11th Ed., Wolters Kluwer
- Stockley's Drug Interactions (2005); London: Pharmaceutical Press. Electronic
- Farmacia Hospitalaria – CDRom, 3ª Ed., Fundación Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria
- Hernández DS, Castro MMS, Dáder MJF (2009); Método Dáder – Manual de Seguimento Farmacoterapêutico, 3ª Edição
- Norma Portuguesa - Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade: Requisitos (ISO 9001:2015)
- Manual de Boas Práticas de Farmácia Hospitalar (2018), Processos de suporte, Ordem dos Farmacêuticos
- Padrões de Acreditação da Joint Commission International (JCI) para Hospitais (2021); 7ª Ed., JCI
- Formulário Hospitalar Nacional de Medicamentos (9ª Ed.)
- Prontuário Terapêutico
- Guidelines da Agência Europeia de Medicamentos
- Artigos científicos
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The pedagogic activities take place in a face-to-face tutorial system, in which the learning process is centered in the student. This approach encourages an active student participation in the learning process, allowing the development of reasoning and communication skills, and the discussion and integration of the contents underlying the learning objectives defined in each pedagogic module. Learning activities also include discussion and resolution of clinical cases, simulating real cases of the professional intervention.
Assessment – Methods and criteria:
1. Periodic evaluation (T, TP and PL)
2. Final examination
Approval requires the final classification of at least 10 values (rounded) in 20 values. It also requires compliance with the conditions for granting frequency [minimum attendance: 80% (T), 80% (TP) and 100% (PL); minimal rating in the teaching-learning period; and presence in all assessment tests].
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2025-01-10

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