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Hospital Pharmacy Course

Code 13697
Year 4
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 3
Workload TP(30H)
Scientific area Ciências Farmacêuticas
Entry requirements Not applicable.
Learning outcomes To give an overview of the functions performed by the hospital pharmacist in the hospital pharmaceutical services and to provide several theoretical and theoretical-practical skills for the practice of the hospital pharmacy. At the end of curricular unit the student should be able to:
a) Describe the areas of intervention of the hospital pharmacist (HP);
b) Analyze the legislation that regulates the practice of hospital pharmacy in Portugal;
c) Describe the systems for the selection, acquisition and distribution of medicines at the hospital level and the general principles for their correct use;
d) Discuss pharmacotechnical and quality control activities developed by HP;
e) Mention the objectives and organization of a hospital information system for medicinal products as well as respond to requests for information on medicinal products
f) Explain the competences at the level of the Hospital Technical Commissions
g) The role of the HP in the scope of the National Plan for Patient Safety
Syllabus 1.Introduction to the hospital pharmacy (HP). HP regulation and its current legal framework.
2.Competences and functional areas of hospital pharmacy services.
3.Selection of medications and rationalization of drug therapy. Measures for the implementation of a correct medication policy in a hospital setting.
4. Acquisition, management and storage of medicines.
5.Distribution of medications in an inpatient and outpatient setting. Establishment of efficient and safe distribution systems. Adherence to drug therapy.
6. Pharmacopeia. Preparation of non-sterile, intravenous and cytotoxic pharmaceutical dosage forms.
7. Repackaging of medicines.
8.Information of medicines and medical devices.
9. Fluid therapy. Fluids and electrolytes used at hospital level.
10. Medicinal gases. Pharmaceutical supervision of medical gases.
12.The role of the pharmacist in hospital technical committees.
Main Bibliography - Manual de Boas Práticas de Farmácia Hospitalar, Capítulo A: Processos de Suporte, Conselho do Colégio da Especialidade em Farmácia Hospitalar, Ordem dos Farmacêuticos, 2020
- Boas Práticas de Farmácia Hospitalar, Conselho do Colégio da Especialidade em Farmácia Hospitalar, Ordem dos Farmacêuticos, 1999
- Manual da Farmácia Hospitalar, Conselho Executivo da Farmácia Hospitalar, Ministério da Saúde, Março 2005
- Legislação Farmacêutica Compilada, INFARMED,
- Dispositivos Médicos não Activos, Conselho do CEFH, Ordem dos Farmacêuticos, 1999
- Manual de Gases Medicinais, Conselho do CEFH, Ordem dos Farmacêuticos, 2012
- Manual de Preparação de Citotóxicos, Conselho do Colégio da Especialidade em Farmácia Hospitalar, Ordem dos Farmacêuticos, 2013
- Plano Nacional para a Segurança dos Doentes 2015-2020 e 2021-2026 (Despacho n.º 1400-A/2015 e Despacho n.º 9390/2021)
- Residência Farmacêutica em 30 Perguntas, ACSS, 2022.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Theoretical classes for presentation of concepts, objectives, legislation, norms and procedures in the various areas of the hospital pharmacy.
Practical classes with group resolution and subsequent discussion of practical cases aimed at the different areas of the hospital pharmacy (application of the methodology "Learning Based on Problem Solving"). Theoretical-practical issues will also be addressed with a view to preparing students, within the scope of hospital pharmacy activity, for the Pharmaceutical Residency Entrance Test.
Classes will be taught in the form of classroom teaching, in person.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-02-25

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