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Statistics Applied to Management

Code 14002
Year 2
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Mathematics
Entry requirements Curricular Unit Probability and Statistics.
Mode of delivery Presential Classes
Learning outcomes It is expected the development of student’s statistical reasoning, which will allow him/her to decide the proper statistical method to apply for data analysis purpose. It is also intended that the student acquires practice in data analysis using statistical programs.
The student must be able to structure a database for statistical analysis; use methods and techniques of descriptive statistics to characterize the data set; specify, estimate and interpret the model of simple linear regression and multiple linear regression, as well as test the model's assumptions and proceed to the diagnostic analysis; specify, estimate and interpret an analysis of variance with one or more factors.
In general, the student should be able to participate in carrying out statistical studies involving statistical treatment of data and interpretation of results.
Syllabus 1) Introductory Concepts
a) Fundamental elements of statistics
b) Description of qualitative data
c) Description of quantitative data
i) Graphical methods
ii) Data Reduction: measures of location and dispersion
iii) Representation of Bivariate Data

2) Simple Regression and Correlation
a) Introduction to the concept of regression and covariance
b) Least squares method
c) Linear regression
d) Correlation coefficient, residual variance and determination coefficient
e) Adjustments to non-linear models

3) Regression and Multiple Correlation
a) Linear model
b) Non-linear models

4) Analysis of Variance
a) Anova with a factor
b) Anova with two factors without repetition
c) Anova with two factors with repetition
Main Bibliography Murteira, B., Ribeiro, C., Silva, J. e Pimenta, C. (2015), Introdução à Estatística – 3ª edição. Escolar Editora.
Maroco, João (2018). Análise Estatística com a utilização do SPSS, 7ª edição, Ed. Report Number.
Guimarães, R. C. e Sarsfield Cabral, J. A. (2010), Estatística – 2ª edição. Editora Verlag Dashofer.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The Teaching-Learning Assessment (CEA) will be obtained through the in-person completion of two assessment tests to be held on April 24th and May 31st.
Students with CEA >= 6 are eligible to take the exam; students with CEA >= 10 are approved.
Students with special status (worker, athlete, etc.) are eligible to take the exam without CEA.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2025-01-31

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