Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
Learning outcomes |
The purpose of this unit is to encourage stu dents to practice and acquire during the 1st cycle transversal skills or "soft skills" that are important for an adequate job performance when exercising management functions. This unit values in the curricular structure skills that are developed outside the curricular units of the study cycle, but that are important to the personal and professional development of students and consequently for their employability.
Syllabus |
The content s of the unit correspond to the activities that will be valued and which focus on: - developing language skills and intercultural communication - improvement of oral and written communication skills - Use of Enterprise Resource Planning software - Creativity development - Teamwork skills - Conflict manage ment - Stress management, s tress tolerance and emotional adjustment - Time management - Critical thinking - Methods and pro blem solving techniques - Presentation techniques and professional image - Job-seeking skills These activities may consist of free courses, workshops, lectures, volunteering experiences in external organizations, participation in management competitions outside UBI, etc.
Main Bibliography |
Varies depending on the activity (not applicable in some cases).
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.