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History of Classic Culture

Code 14240
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Cultura
Entry requirements Correct and fluent expression in Portuguese.
Mode of delivery Daily presence in classes or by distance.
Work placements It doesn't apply.
Learning outcomes - Promote the discussion of concepts such as History, Culture and Classical Antiquity;
- Promote the study of fundamental themes of Greek Culture;
- Present characteristics and specificities of Roman Culture;
- Analyze authors and works from Classical Antiquity;
- Promote coherent and well-founded reading, commenting and argumentation skills;
- Identify points of influence of Classical Antiquity cultures on Portuguese Culture.
Syllabus 1. Classical Culture.
1.1. The concept of Classical Culture;
1.2. Transmission routes of Classical Culture;
1.3. Geographic and historical framework.

2. Greek Culture.
2.1 The Homeric Poems: the Homeric Question, the Iliad and the Odyssey;
2.2 New perspectives on Greek Culture: Hesiod;
2.3 The Archaic era;
2.4. The Classical period;
2.5. The Hellenistic era;
2.6. Artistic expression of Greek Culture;
2.7. Influences of Greek Culture on Portuguese Culture.

3. Roman Culture.
3.1. The origins of Rome and early Roman legends;
3.2 The Republican Era;
3.3. The Century of Augustus;
3.4. Cultural synthesis of Virgil's work: the Bucolicas, the Georgias and the Aeneid;
3.5. Moral and political ideas of the Romans;
3.6. Artistic expression of Roman Culture;
3.7. Influences of Roman Culture on Portuguese Culture.
Main Bibliography Alves, Ana Alexandra, Abranches Guerreiro, Cristina e Cerqueira, Luís (2016), Eneida. Bertrand Editora.
Brandão, José Luís, Oliveira, Francisco coord. (2015), História da Roma Antiga. Das origens à morte de César. Vol. I. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra [online gratuito]
Grimal, Pierre (2020), Dicionário de Mitologia Grega e Romana. Lisboa, Editora Antígona.
Lourenço, Frederico (2019), Ilíada de Homero. Quetzal Editores.
Lourenço, Frederico (2018), Odisseia de Homero. Quetzal Editores.
Pinheiro, Ana Elias, Ribeiro Ferreira, José (2005), Hesíodo. Teogonia. Trabalhos e Dias. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda.
Ribeiro Ferreira, José (1996), Civilizações Clássicas I. Grécia. Lisboa, Universidade Aberta.
Ribeiro Ferreira, José (2004), A Grécia Antiga. Lisboa, Edições 70.
Rocha Pereira, Maria Helena (2009), Hélade. Antologia da Cultura Grega. Guimarães Editores.
Rocha Pereira, Maria Helena (20095), Estudos de História da Cultura Clássica. Vol. II - Roma.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Teaching methods: expository classes and application of contents; written exercises and oral reflections from texts provided by the teacher about the programmatic topics addressed.
The students will be evaluated periodically in two moments of the semester, through the accomplishment of one written test and an oral presentation on topics provided by the Professor; and their attendance.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-02-27

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