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Philosophy and Culture

Code 14243
Year 2
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Philosophy
Entry requirements There are no prerequisites.
Mode of delivery Theoretical-practical
Work placements Not aplicable
Learning outcomes This UC aims

1. in general terms

• stimulate the taste for new themes, new authors and new learning

• foster the ability to analyze and synthesize, critical thinking, autonomous thinking, originality in approaches to emerging problems in Culture

2. in specific terms

• determine the notions of «Philosophy» and «Culture» and some models of relationship between them (critical, dialectic, mimetic, ancillary, justification, fragmentary, dispute and others)

• recognize and justify the ambiguity and impossibility of a univocal concept of Culture

• problematize the relationship between Knowledge and Power from the processes of Antigone and Socrates, the Kantian Aufklärung, and the Nazi concentration camps

• at the end the student must write a study summary of a research project.
Syllabus 1) Philosophy and Culture
1. What is and origins of philosophy
2. Culture and Human
3. A poetics of thought

2) Philosophy and City
1. Knowledge as an anti-dogmatic and critical dialectical enterprise
2. Orality versus philosophical writing

3) Modernity and Culture
1. Enlightenment requirements
2. Objections to the Enlightenment

4) Culture, Barbarism, Crisis
1. (After the) Barbarism of Auschwitz
2. Culture and simulacrum
3. Notes for a redefinition of contemporary culture
Main Bibliography ANTUNES Manuel, «Cultura», in Obra Completa, Tomo I - Theoria: Cultura e Civilização, Vol. IV: História da Cultura, FCG, Lisboa, 2005, pp. 86-90;
BAUDRILLARD Jean, Cultura y simulacro, Editorial Kairós, Barcelona, 1978
BLOOM Alan, A Cultura Inculta. Ensaio sobre Declínio da Mente Americana, E-A, Lisboa, 1990.
HUNTINGTON Samuel P., The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Simon & Schuster, London, 2002.
JASPERS Karl, Iniciação Filosófica, Guimarães Editores, Lisboa, 1987.
KANT Immanuel, Resposta à pergunta: «O que é o Iluminismo?», (trad. port. Artur Morão), LusoSofia, Covilhã, 2009.
PLATÃO, Apologia de Sócrates, (trad. port. J. T. Santos), IN-CM, Lisboa, 1993
STEINER Georges, No Castelo do Barba Azul. Alguma Notas, Lisboa, Relóg
SUBIRATS Eduardo, La cultura como espectáculo, México, Madrid, Buenos Aires, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1988.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria
The final classification of each student will result from the weighting of the following elements:

1. 1 Written Test of Frequency (final); 2. Oral and written presentation of a text on 1 book / film, of free choice, on a theme of the program – the oral presentation will take place in the context of class and the written text should not exceed 2 pages; 3. 2 class reports up to 1 page each.

Weighting: 1. 50%; 2. 40% (15%
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2023-12-19

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