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Computer Architecture

Code 14332
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload PL(30H)/T(30H)
Scientific area Informatics
Entry requirements -
Learning outcomes This course unit aims to provide students with knowledge on:
A) Structure and mode of operation of digital computers;
B) High-level and machine-level programming languages;
C) Execution of the instructions by the processor;
D) Performance analysis and performance improvement techniques;
E) Organization of memory;
F) Microprocessors versus microcontrollers;
G) Programming in low-level language (Assembly).

At the end of the curricular unit, students should be able to describe the internal structure of a digital processor and how programs are run. The student must also know the main features of other elements that constitute a digital computer such as memory and peripheral input/output. The student must therefore be to understand the architecture of a digital computer, what are its main elements and how they interrelate. This will allow the student to follow the constant technological evolution of the area.
Syllabus Theoretical classes
- Introduction to computer architecture: input/output units, memory, processing unit;
- Computer technology and historical evolution;
- Architecture of Von Neumann, memory of data and programs;
- Representation codes;
- Structure of processors: registers, ALU (Aritmetic and Logic Unit), control unit;
- Buses: control, data and address;
- Memory hierarchy: cache, main memory, secondary memory
- Performance evaluation;
- Techniques for performance improvement: RISC & CISC architectures, pipelining, parallelism, multiprocessing, GPU, compilation techniques;
- Microcomputer architectures (Harvard) - Arduino and Raspberry Pi boards;
- Embedded Systems;

Practical classes
- Programming in Assembly language x86, using the FASM assembler;
- Programming using the Arduino microcontroller and expansion cards (shields);
Main Bibliography [1] “Arquitetura e organização de computadores”, William Stallings, Pearson, 2017;
[2] “Computer Systems - Digital Design, Fundamentals of Computer Architecture and Assembly Language”, Ata Elahi, Springer, 2018;
[3] “Essentials of Computer Architecture”, Douglas Comer, Second edition, CRC Press, 2017;
[4] “Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach”, John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson; Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 6th Edition, 2017;
[5] “ARQUITETURA DE COMPUTADORES”, 5ª Edição Atualizada, José Delgado, Carlos Ribeiro, FCA, 2014
[6] Texts available on the course unit page and class notes;
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Theoretical lessons: exposure of concepts;
Practical lessons: resolution of practical exercises in computer lab;

Evaluation: assessment of theoretical knowledge (T): test or exam=12 points (mandatory)
assessment of practical knowledge (P): two practical works (TP1+TP2) =3+5=8 points (mandatory)
Final grade (F): T + P
Admission to exam: F >= 6, be present at the evaluation test and carry out the two quoted works.

Attribution of the classification of "NA-Not Admitted":
- non-compliance with the minimums;
- proven fraud in any evaluation element;

In case of doubt, the defense/justification of any of the evaluation elements may be requested.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-04-09

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