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Probability Models

Code 14778
Year 2
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Mathematics
Entry requirements Integral and Differential Calculus.
Mode of delivery Face-to-face.
Work placements Not applicable.
Learning outcomes To apply strategies of Statistical Inference.
At the end of this UC students should be able to:
a) identify issues of science and biological and medical technologies that can be solved with probability strategies and statistical inference;
b) build probabilistic models appropriate to the problems;
c) select and apply strategies of Statistical Inference in solving problems.
Syllabus 1. Introduction to Probability Theory: Independence and conditioning; Distributions Binomial, Hypergeometric, Geometric, Poisson, Normal; moments and the Central Limit Theorem.
2. Introduction to Statistical Inference: estimation by the method of moments; properties of estimators; confidence intervals; tests of hypotheses.
Main Bibliography Principal Bibliography:

Probabilidades e Estatística para Ciências e Tecnologia.(2016) Esmeralda Gonçalves, Ana Cristina Rosa e Maria Emília Nogueira. Editora Almedina.

Complementary Bibliography:

Pestana, D. e Velosa, S. (2010). Introdução à probabilidade e à estatística, 4ª Ed., Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Cota: I-0.0-00025
Ross, S. (2009). Introduction to probability and statistics for engineers and scientists. Amsterdam Elsevier. Cota: F-1.8-01370 (CD)
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The periodic evaluation consists of two written tests, 10 points each, on November 4 and December 16. Obtaining at least 3 points in each test and 9.5 points in total or more exempts the student from the final evaluation. The final evaluation consists of a written examination.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2025-01-06

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