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  4. Models of Strategic Communication

Models of Strategic Communication

Code 14825
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Communication Sciences
Entry requirements No requiremnts
Mode of delivery Face-to-face
Work placements n.a
Learning outcomes This course presents the concepts, theories and authors central to text, discourse analysis and strategic communication, using real and applied cases. The main objectives are: to provide students with tools that enable them to study and strategically consider the discourses underlying the most varied types of strategic messages: advertising, religious and electoral propaganda, public relations.

Syllabus 1- Introduction: Greimas and textual semiotics
2- The semiotic project and its application to strategic text
a) Semio-narrative structures: the fundamental syntax and narrative syntax
b) - Discursive structures: syntax and discursive semantics
Main Bibliography BARROS, D. P. L. (2004). – “Publicidade e Figurativização”, em Alfa. 47 (2), p.p. 11-31 FLOCH, Jean Marie – “J’aime, j’aime, j’aime…”, in: Sémiotique, Marketing et communication. Sous les signes, les stratégies. Paris, Puf, 1990;
CAMILO, Eduardo J. M. - The «forever young» canon. Figurações publicitárias da feminilidade / The "forever young" canon. Figurations of the advertising of femininity, in: Revista de Comunicación da SEECI nº 129 Número 39 - Marzo 2016 - Año XX;
CAMILO, Eduardo – “Contribuições para uma abordagem semiótica à publicidade de choque”, in: Historia y Comunicación Social. Madrid, Departamento de Historia de la Comunicación Social de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información (UCM), 2013, Vol.18.01;
FLOCH, Jean Marie – “Tués dans l’oeuf” in: Sémiotique, Marketing et communication. Sous les signes, les stratégies. Paris, Puf, 1990;
FLOCH, Jean Marie – “La maison d’Epicure. Les désirs naturels et non necessaires d’Habita”, in: Identités visuelles. Paris, Puf, 1995;

Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-03-19

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