Learning outcomes |
This course presents the concepts, theories and authors central to text, discourse analysis and strategic communication, using real and applied cases. The main objectives are: to provide students with tools that enable them to study and strategically consider the discourses underlying the most varied types of strategic messages: advertising, religious and electoral propaganda, public relations.
Main Bibliography |
BARROS, D. P. L. (2004). – “Publicidade e Figurativização”, em Alfa. 47 (2), p.p. 11-31 FLOCH, Jean Marie – “J’aime, j’aime, j’aime…”, in: Sémiotique, Marketing et communication. Sous les signes, les stratégies. Paris, Puf, 1990; CAMILO, Eduardo J. M. - The «forever young» canon. Figurações publicitárias da feminilidade / The "forever young" canon. Figurations of the advertising of femininity, in: Revista de Comunicación da SEECI nº 129 Número 39 - Marzo 2016 - Año XX; CAMILO, Eduardo – “Contribuições para uma abordagem semiótica à publicidade de choque”, in: Historia y Comunicación Social. Madrid, Departamento de Historia de la Comunicación Social de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información (UCM), 2013, Vol.18.01; FLOCH, Jean Marie – “Tués dans l’oeuf” in: Sémiotique, Marketing et communication. Sous les signes, les stratégies. Paris, Puf, 1990; FLOCH, Jean Marie – “La maison d’Epicure. Les désirs naturels et non necessaires d’Habita”, in: Identités visuelles. Paris, Puf, 1995;