Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Human Sciences
Entry requirements |
Mode of delivery |
Presential teaching
Work placements |
Not applicable.
Learning outcomes |
1 - To transmit knowledge about the regulatory and legal framework of the medical profession. 2 - To promote reflection on the grounds of Ethics, Ethics and Law, with special focus on medical practice. 3 - To develop skills in applying the rules in practical context. The future master in medicine must: 1 - Know what the legal framework for their profession and the normative content of the documents relating to it with obligatory character, for example, the Code of Ethics 2 - Be able to reflect on the foundations of ethics and science, understand its functions and social connections and understand its historical insertion. 3 - Be able to apply the ethical standards and laws to solve ethical problems of the medical practice in a real context, which requires a weight and a wisdom that go beyond the mere mechanical application of the rule and the law.
Syllabus |
1 - Basis Ethics 1.1 - Fundamentals 1.2 - Theories 1.3 - Values of the European Society 1.4 - Neurological Bases 1.5 - Business ethics
2 - Professional ethics 2.1 - Code of Ethics 2.2 - Autonomy, Informed Consent 2.3 - Equity and distributive justice 2.4 - Ethics FGM 2.5 - Ethics in hospital medicine 2.6 - Offices and private practice 2.7 - Transparency in Health 2.8 - medical relations / pharmaceutical industry. 2.9 - Ethics early in life 2:10 - Ethics at the end of life 2.11 - psychiatric patient and not competent
3 - Introduction to Law
4 - Medical Law in the Portuguese legal system 4.1 - Fundamental rights 4.2 - Personality Rights and foundations of civil law 4.3 - Criminal Law 4.4 - Disciplinary Law 4.5 - the NHS Organisational Structure 4.6 - The Doctor in the organizational structure
5 - Ethics in Research 5.1 - Declaration of Helsinki 5.2 - Ethics Committees 5.3 - Authoring and plagiarism 5.4 - Animal Research
Main Bibliography |
Livros essenciais: Ética e Deontologia 1. British Medical Association (2004). Medical Ethics Today – BMA’s Handbook of Ethics and Law. BMJ Publishing Group 2. Post (2004) - Encyclopedia of Bioethics. Macmillan USA 3. Singer & Viens (2008). Cambridge Textbook of Bioethics. Cambridge University Press 4. Steinbock (2007). Oxford Handbook of Bioethics. Oxford University Press
Direito 1. Guedes (2008). Direito Biomédico - Colectânea de legislação e outros documentos. Quid Juris 2. Moniz (2008). Legislação de Direito da Medicina. Coimbra Editora 3. Oliveira (2005). Temas de Direito da Medicina. Coimbra Editora
Documentos: Código Deontológico da Ordem dos Médicos Outros códigos deontológicos de associações médicas europeias e ocidentais Declaração de Helsínquia Outras resoluções da World Medical Association Carta dos Direitos e Deveres dos Doentes da Direcção Geral de Saúde
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.