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Medical Deontology and Law

Code 15103
Year 3
Semester A1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(50H)/TC(10H)/TP(10H)
Scientific area Human Sciences
Entry requirements -
Mode of delivery Presential teaching
Work placements Not applicable.
Learning outcomes 1 - To transmit knowledge about the regulatory and legal framework of the medical profession. 2 - To promote reflection on the grounds of Ethics, Ethics and Law, with special focus on medical practice. 3 - To develop skills in applying the rules in practical context. The future master in medicine must: 1 - Know what the legal framework for their profession and the normative content of the documents relating to it with obligatory character, for example, the Code of Ethics 2 - Be able to reflect on the foundations of ethics and science, understand its functions and social connections and understand its historical insertion. 3 - Be able to apply the ethical standards and laws to solve ethical problems of the medical practice in a real context, which requires a weight and a wisdom that go beyond the mere mechanical application of the rule and the law.
Syllabus 1 - Basis Ethics
1.1 - Fundamentals
1.2 - Theories
1.3 - Values of the European Society
1.4 - Neurological Bases
1.5 - Business ethics

2 - Professional ethics
2.1 - Code of Ethics
2.2 - Autonomy, Informed Consent
2.3 - Equity and distributive justice
2.4 - Ethics FGM
2.5 - Ethics in hospital medicine
2.6 - Offices and private practice
2.7 - Transparency in Health
2.8 - medical relations / pharmaceutical industry.
2.9 - Ethics early in life
2:10 - Ethics at the end of life
2.11 - psychiatric patient and not competent

3 - Introduction to Law

4 - Medical Law in the Portuguese legal system
4.1 - Fundamental rights
4.2 - Personality Rights and foundations of civil law
4.3 - Criminal Law
4.4 - Disciplinary Law
4.5 - the NHS Organisational Structure
4.6 - The Doctor in the organizational structure

5 - Ethics in Research
5.1 - Declaration of Helsinki
5.2 - Ethics Committees
5.3 - Authoring and plagiarism
5.4 - Animal Research
Main Bibliography Livros essenciais:
Ética e Deontologia
1. British Medical Association (2004). Medical Ethics Today – BMA’s Handbook of Ethics and Law. BMJ Publishing Group
2. Post (2004) - Encyclopedia of Bioethics. Macmillan USA
3. Singer & Viens (2008). Cambridge Textbook of Bioethics. Cambridge University Press
4. Steinbock (2007). Oxford Handbook of Bioethics. Oxford University Press

1. Guedes (2008). Direito Biomédico - Colectânea de legislação e outros documentos. Quid Juris
2. Moniz (2008). Legislação de Direito da Medicina. Coimbra Editora
3. Oliveira (2005). Temas de Direito da Medicina. Coimbra Editora

Código Deontológico da Ordem dos Médicos
Outros códigos deontológicos de associações médicas europeias e ocidentais
Declaração de Helsínquia
Outras resoluções da World Medical Association
Carta dos Direitos e Deveres dos Doentes da Direcção Geral de Saúde
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-08-01

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