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  4. General Practice II

General Practice II

Code 15106
Year 4
Semester A1
ECTS Credits 10
Workload E(100H)/S(10H)
Scientific area Community Health
Entry requirements None
Learning outcomes This UC has the following objectives:
- Enable students to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to address low-risk pregnant surveillance and family planning counseling.
- Allow students to acquire the necessary skills to carry out a Consultation in General Practice.
- Allow students to know how to make the Problem Oriented Medical Record, with the appropriate SOAP progressive clinical notes and ICPC classification.
- Allow students to acquire communication skills with the person.
- Allow students to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to address the prevalent health problems in General and Family Medicine and its context of practice, in particular cardiovascular, digestive, endocrinological, genito-urinary and respiratory problems.
- Allow students to come into contact with the concepts of Ethics in General and Family Medicine, Patient-Centered Clinical Method, Medical Empathy, Training, Nutrition and Physical Activity and Brief Intervention.
Syllabus 1. General and Family Medicine Consultation.
2. Problem-Oriented Medical Record and SOAP Clinical Notes.
3. ICPC Classification.
4. Reproductive health and concepts of family planning, contraception and low-risk pregnancy surveillance.
5. Most common cardiovascular, digestive, endocrinological, genitourinary, hematological and respiratory diseases in the scope of General and Family Medicine: signs and symptoms, risk factors, preventive attitudes, complementary diagnostic tests, referral criteria and therapies.
6. Health Communication.
7. Ethics of Small Things.
8. Patient-Centered Clinical Method.
9. Medical Empathy.
10. Training.
11. Nutrition and Physical Activity.
12. Smoking. Prevention and Therapy.
Main Bibliography Main Bibliography:
- Programa Nacional de Saúde Reprodutiva. Available at:

- Programa Nacional de Vigilância da Gravidez de Baixo Risco. Available at:

- Consenso sobre Contraceção 2020. Available at:

- Consenso Nacional sobre Menopausa 2021. Available at:

- Signs and symptoms, risk factors, preventive attitudes, complementary diagnostic tests, referral criteria and therapies of most common cardiovascular, digestive, endocrinological, genitourinary, hematological and respiratory diseases in the scope of General and Family Medicine
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Practical, contextualized learning in the clinical environment of a Primary Health Care Unit. Discussion of clinical cases. Assessment Methods and Criteria: Knowledge assessment: Multiple Choice Test (30%); Tutor performance assessment (15%); Clinical History (10%); Nutrition and Physical Activity Course (30%); Smoking Course (15%).
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-11-04

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