Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Morphological and Functional Sciences
Entry requirements |
Not applicable
Learning outcomes |
Provide students with in-depth knowledge of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems through an integrated approach to the anatomy, physiology, histology and biochemistry of these systems. Learning outcomes of the course unit At the end of the course unit the learner is expected to be able to describe all the organs and structures associated with each system and to recognize the anatomical and functional relationships between them, to understand the mechanisms associated with their normal functioning, and to relate functional aspects with anatomical and functional characteristics. histological Students should also be able to solve problems associated with the functioning and morphology of these systems by showing the ability to apply knowledge to practice. At the level of attitudes, they should have developed the ability to work as a team in problem solving and knowledge acquisition.
Syllabus |
Embryonic development of the heart, great vessels and respiratory system; structures of the chest wall, mediastinum and diaphragm. Anatomical organization of the nose, nasal cavities, paranasal sinuses, larynx, lungs and pleura. Physical principles of gas exchange. Anatomical and histological structure of the heart and its relationship. Normal ECG, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of all waves and how they originate. Phases of the Cardiac Cycle. The different types of vessels: veins, arteries and capillaries. Concepts and mechanisms of blood pressure, flow, resistance, blood distensibility and viscosity and relationships that may exist between them. Concepts of cardiac effort, preload, afterload, contractility and cardiac work. Control mechanisms of the cardio-circulatory system and breathing.
Main Bibliography |
EMBRIOLOGIA CLÍNICA. 2008. Moore, Persaud. ANATOMIA ORIENTADA PARA A CLÍNICA Moore NETTER – Atlas of Human Anatomy; GYTON & HALL – Medical Physiology SALADIN– Anatomy & Physiology; LIPMAN. 2001 – ECG Avaliação e Interpretação. ABRAHAM L. KIERSZENBAUM – Histologia e Biologia Celular.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The pedagogical methodologies in the UC Cardiac and Respiratory System (SCR) are innovative. In a first phase in a tutoring room context, students discuss the objectives. In a second phase they are in a practical and seminar context. In a third phase they present the objectives, discuss and perform small practical exercises. Already in the fourth phase can use the tutor to ask questions and finally perform a mini-test. At the end, a clinical case workshop is held in an integrative view of the subjects. The main teaching methodology will be working in small groups in a mentoring context; practical classes and clinical case workshop. Attitudes will be evaluated throughout the entire UC, either by participating in tutorials, or in practical classes, seminars and workshop.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.