Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Biopathological Sciences
Entry requirements |
Non applicable
Learning outcomes |
Provide students with in-depth and integrated knowledge of the contents learned in the different Curricular Units of the 3rd year and provide an approach to its future application. Acquire relational and technical skills in the areas learned in the 3rd year Curricular Units.
Syllabus |
Integration between the syllabus contents of the Curricular Units taught in the 3rd year. Integrating Seminars with a gathering of diverse knowledge using Pathological Anatomy as an interconnection element between the various areas of medical knowledge: Anatomo-clinical Seminar (integration of the different areas of medical knowledge for the presentation and discussion of clinical cases with a view to obtaining a diagnosis and discussion of therapy), Biopathological Seminar (use of anatomopathological knowledge to understand the different biological processes and the mechanisms and cellular elements involved in them) and Cytology Seminar (approach to cytology based on common examples or with recognized clinical impact). Portfolio. Polytraumatized Approach I, Assessment of vital signs and monitoring, Simulated Clinical Case, Surgical Skills, Clinical History and Semiology, Oxygen therapy, Arterial puncture for blood gas analysis, Patient Safety 3.
Main Bibliography |
Bibliography of the Curricular Units of the 3rd year Curricular Units. LaC activity protocols.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Teaching aims to acquire knowledge and training for reasoning and analyzing problems and making informed decisions based on scientific bases. The assessment is designed to verify the achievement of objectives, whether reasoning or clinical skills
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.