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Scientific area |
Community Health
Entry requirements |
Population Health, in line with Epidemiology and Community Health (1st year of Medical School) aims to guide medical students towards health promotion and disease prevention and integrated health resource allocation. The main aim is to plan health policy and healthcare according to populations’ needs.
This curricular unit promotes continuity with the knowledge and activities started in previous academic years, integrating the knowledge of Epidemiology as well as other basic medical sciences. Thus, whenever appropriate, concepts and knowledge of epidemiology will be reviewed, integrated and reinterpreted in the context of population health. Students are expected to have acquired these knowledge and skills.
Learning outcomes |
1. Knowledge Acquire the basic concepts of Public Health; understand and analyze examples of public health practice. Understand the evolution of population health and its determinants; framing the public health approach and the beginnings of preventive medicine; as well as the tools for its application in professional and clinical practice.
2. Ability Frame the role and action of physicians in health promotion, integrated prevention and control of non-communicable and communicable chronic diseases, in epidemiological surveillance, in health policies and programs, regardless of medical specialty and/or professional occupation.
3. Skills and know-how Act as an agent of health promotion; fully participate in improving the health of populations and engage in whole society approaches. Knowing how to apply the concepts, principles and tools learned in situations and circumstances of professional practice.
Syllabus |
Health challenges in a globalized world. Public Health and Preventive Medicine. Determinants of Health. Health and Human Development. The activities of the World Health Organization (WHO). Worldwide main causes of mortality and morbidity. Health indicators and disease measures. National/international health monitoring system. Health strategies and planning. WHO leadership. Framing health planning and health policies. Epidemiological transition: from communicable diseases (CD) to the epidemic of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Lifecycle prevention approach. Prevention and control of CD and CNCD. Epidemiological surveillance. WHO prevention programs. Environmental health. Climate change, air pollution: effects on human health; preventive strategies. Prevention and control of risk factors: tobacco and alcohol. Health advocacy. The role of health professionals and organized civil society.
Main Bibliography |
Skolnik R. Essential Public Health. Global Health 101, 4th edtion. Donaldsons LJ, Rutter PD. Donaldsons’ Essential Public Health. 4th Ed. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis group. Boca Raton, USA, 2018. Wilson F, Mabhala M, editors. Key Concepts in Public Health. 2nd ed. Sage Publications; 2015. S Gilliam, J Yates, Badrinath P. Essential Public Health.Theory and Practice, 2nd ed.Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2013. Beaglehole R, Bonita R, Kjellstrom T. Basic Epidemiology, second edition. WHO, 2006.
In addition to the books listed, the bibliography available on the intranet includes documents and content from WHO, OECD, UN, ECDC, as well as scientific papers. A main self-learning goal is to learn how to navigate in WHO websites and other sources of information in health, epidemiology and health programmes/policies/strategies. Students received proper guidance from tutors on how to use the bibliography
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.