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  4. Medical and Surgical Clinics I - C

Medical and Surgical Clinics I - C

Code 15133
Year 4
Semester A1
ECTS Credits 12
Workload E(88H)/OT(18H)/PL(27H)/TP(27H)
Scientific area CIÊNCIAS MÉDICAS
Entry requirements -
Learning outcomes Allow students to acquire clinical knowledge and essential skills that allow them to practice medicine as general practitioners. At the end of the curricular unit, the student should be able to describe the general principles of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the most frequent diseases of the endocrine, urinary, hematological and of genetic origin; interpret the semiological data obtained through the correct completion of the clinical history and physical examination, relating them to the respective pathophysiology; perform medical procedures; communicate adequately with patients, their families and different health professionals; and apply the principles and strategies of preventive medicine.
Syllabus Study and clinical approach of the most frequent diseases of the endocrine, urinary, hematological and of genetic origin. Learning to collect the clinical history and perform the clinical examination, selection and prioritization of complementary tests to be used, guidance and therapeutic decision, execution of medical procedures and treatments, exercising an adequate interaction with the patient. Study of principles and strategies for health promotion, disease prevention in the national context and integrated practice of health care in response to the needs of populations and society.
Main Bibliography Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine (2018) (Jameson et al, Ed), 20th ed., McGraw-Hill
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-08-07

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