Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
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Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
Learning outcomes |
The objectives of UC Elementos de Integração IV are: 1. Provide students with in-depth and integrated knowledge of the contents learned in the different Curricular Units of the 4th year and provide an approach to its future application. 2. Acquire relational and technical skills in the areas learned in the 4th year Curricular Units. Cardio-circulatory clinical case - resolution of an interactive case Skills in Gynecology uterine cervix cytology breast semiology Skills in Urology digital rectal examination Male/female catheterization patient safety Professionalism 3 - Draw up a reflection on the learning process throughout the year by drawing up a portfolio
Syllabus |
1. Integrated Clinical Assessment: the student must solve clinical cases with and without simulated patients that represent common clinical situations. The disciplines taught in the 4th year blocks are included in this evaluation, presenting cases that integrate the different clinical areas.
2. Portfolio.
3. Clinical Skills Block 2 (LaC4) includes the following activities: Cardio-circulatory clinical case - resolution of an interactive case Skills in Gynecology uterine cervix cytology breast semiology Skills in Urology digital rectal examination Male/female catheterization patient safety Professionalism
Main Bibliography |
Harrison principles of internal medicine. 20th ed (2018) DeGowin. Exame Clinico 6ª Ed. Mc Graw Hill. Pag.758-818. Macleod’s Clinical Examination. 10th Ed. Churchill Livingstone185-241. Surós. Semiologia médica y técnica exploratória. 8ª Ed. Masson.755-923. Bickley LS. Bates guide to physical examination. 9th Ed. Lippincott. 573-646. Seidel HM. Mosby’s guide to physical examination. 7th Ed. Mosby. 702-739.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.