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  4. Medical and Surgical Clinics II - a

Medical and Surgical Clinics II - a

Code 15135
Year 5
Semester A1
ECTS Credits 10
Workload E(53H)/OT(65H)/S(35H)/TP(4H)
Scientific area CIÊNCIAS MÉDICAS
Entry requirements Not applicable
Learning outcomes The CU Medical and Surgical Clinics IIa is integrated by 3 blocks: Disorders of the Nervous System, Psychiatry, and Ophthalmology.
The global objectives which allow to students to develop basic skills for future general physicians are:
1. To study the theoretical bases of more frequent diseases of each block of the CU (epidemiology, aetiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment).
2. To identify the main disorders of each Chair during clinical stages under the supervision of Specialist Physicians.
3. To develop the main technical and clinical skills, including clinical records.
4. To develop work team and communication skills to potentiate interpersonal links, respect for patients, management of health resources and practice following ethical principles.
Syllabus Neurology: Neurological examination. Sleep. Epilepsy. Coma. Syncope. Cerebrovascular diseases. Demyelinating diseases. Degenerative disorders. Dementias. Disorders of extrapiramidal system. Disorders motor neuron. Disorders of peripheral nervous system, neuromuscular junction, and muscle. Pain.
Ophthalmology: Anatomy. Ophthalmological exam. Complementart exam. Disorders of retinal vessels. Optical neuritis. Papillitis and papilledema. Acute ischemic optic neuropathy. Amaurosis fugax. Optical atrophy. Macular degeneration. Glaucoma. Cataract. Conjunctivitis, keratitis. Uveitis. Scleritis and episcleritis. Disorders of ocular annexed. Palpebral disorders. Amblyopia and squint. Refractive disorders. Paresis. Nistagmus. Retinopathies. Trauma.
Psychiatry: Neurobiology and genetics of mental disease. Introduction to psychopathology. Anxiety disorders. Humor disorders. Drug addiction. Somatoform and dissociative disorders. Schizophrenia. Psychofarmacology.
Main Bibliography Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20ed McGraw-Hill.
Bradley. Neurology in clinical practice 4 ed Butterworth.
Adams & Victor. Principles of Neurology, 10 ed McGraw-Hill.
Lang. Ophtalmology. A pocket textbook atlas.
Thieme. Bradford, Basic ophthalmology. 8th.
Figueira. Manual de Psiquiatria Clínica.Lidel 2014.
Kaplan Psychiatry. 7th Lippincott
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Methodology:
1. Tutorials. The objectives are presented by the students and discussed with the teacher
2. Master seminars presented by teachers
3. Assistance to the clinical medium
4. Theoretical-practical activities carried out at the Faculty of Health Sciences
5. Taking clinical histories.

The Assessment Criteria specify the details related to how the various assessment elements are considered, but in summary form they are:
1. Frequency and continuous assessment during Tutorials and clinical medium
2. Assessment of theoretical knowledge through testing
3. Clinical skills assessment
4. Assessment of clinical histories
5. The Curricular Unit does not have a final exam and there is a final option of recovery or improvement tests
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-11-04

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