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  4. Sustainable Construction

Sustainable Construction

Code 15215
Year 5
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 5
Workload PL(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Construction
Entry requirements Knowledge of building physics.
Learning outcomes In terms of curricular objectives, the syllabus intends to enable students to design building construction projects taking into account all actions and design decisions that privilege sustainability criteria and develop the following competencies:
a) Understand the impact of the construction sector and buildings on the sustained environment.
b) Understand the methodologies of evaluation of the sustainability of buildings;
c) Understand bio climatic concepts for the project and energy saving strategies, reduction of consumption and minimization of waste (through rationalization, reuse or recycling)
d) Being able to intervene in the design and choice of sustainable building systems.
e) Being able to intervene in the evaluation and change proposals of building project with application of sustainability guidelines
Syllabus Theoretical
1. Basic Concepts of Sustainable Construction. 2. The sustainable buildings project. 3. Sustainability assessment of buildings. 4. Recycling of urban and industrial solid waste in construction. 5. Construction and demolition wastes. 6. Rationalization of building construction. 7. Sustainable building systems. 8. Strategies for saving and improving energy efficiency. 9. Potentialities of construction and deconstruction.

Design Analysis to a Sustainable Building
Main Bibliography BAKER, NICK; STEEMERS, K. (2000), Energy and Environment in Architecture: A Technical Design Guide, E&FN Spon, London. - THOMAS, RANDALL (1996), Environmental Design: An Introduction for Architects and Engineers, ed. Randall Thomas, published by E & F Spon, London - USGBC - U.S. Green Building Council, 1996. Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System, v. 2.0. U.S. Public Technology, Inc. Washington, DC, USA. - JOHN, VANDERLEY , 2000, Reciclagem de resíduos na construção civil: contribuição à metodologia de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. EDWARDS, B.; HYETT, P, 2004, Guía básica de la Sostenibilidad ,. Editorial Gustavo Gili, SA, ISBN:84-252-1951-5, Barcelona JAVIER, F.; GONZÁLEZ, N. , 2004, Arquitectura Bioclimática en un entorno sostenible , Editorial Munilla Lería, ISBN: 84-89150-64-8, Madrid - LEWIS OWEN, J. , 1999, A Green Vitruvius - Principles and praticals of sustainable design , James & James, ISBN: 1-873936-9
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The Curricular Unit will work with: Theoretical-practical classes (TP) which consist of the presentation of programmatic contents and the presentation and discussion of practical cases; Practical classes (PL) that consist of the application of the syllabus. Diverse methodologies will be applied: Exposure and discussion of topics corresponding to the program contents; Presentation of examples of project solutions and construction techniques; Application of concepts and techniques discussed through the development of the requalification of a building project; Public presentations. Continuous assessment/evaluation with the following parameters: 1-Participation in classes and development of work; 2-Practical Work 1; 3-Practical Work 2; 4-Practical work 3; 5-Public presentations of practical work; 6-Reports relating to presentations of practical work; 7-Participation in the presentations of practical work.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-10-27

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