Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
Knowledge of Engineering Geology, Soil Mechanics and Hydrology
Learning outcomes |
There is the objective of forming professionals in agreement with the following competences: a) Recognition of the importance of the environmental aspects in the underground space b) Understanding of the importance of the groundwater as resource in the human activity and domain of means and protection methods and management of this resource c) Recognition of the several types of geossynthetics, its mechanical and hydraulic characterization, and to understand the empiric criteria about design of their applications d ) Recognition of the vegetation type in works of civil engineering in applications of stability and still in situations to lessening negatives environmental aspects e) Capacity of locating, to design and of the construction of Waste Disposal. To understand the advantages of the reuse of some wastes in the mechanical improvement of earth structures; f) To understand the usefulness of geotechnical and environmental maps for an appropriate occupation of the territory.
Syllabus |
1-Introduction to Environmental Geotechnics 2-Underground Hydric Resources and its Protection: Occurrence of the groundwaters. Groundwaters types and their uses. Elements on movement of the groundwaters. Elements on protection and management of the exploration of the groundwaters. 3-Geossynthetics: Geossynthetics types; functions; properties; applications and design methods. 4-The Vegetation in works of Engineering Civil: Vegetation types and the applications. Elements about reinforcement works. Control of erosion in earth works. Environmental aspects. 5-Geotechnics and the Wastes: Introduction. Waste disposal. Situations of Special Residues. Cemeteries. Geomechanics valorization from industrial residues. 6-Geotechnics and Planning of the Territory: Introduction. Engineering Geological Mapping and Environmental. Environmental impacts of urban areas and of special engineering Works. Areas with statute of special protection and Instruments of management.
Main Bibliography |
Coppin, N.J. and Richards, I.G. (1997). Use of Vegetation in Civil Engineering. Custódio, E. e Llamas, M.R. (2001). "Hidrologia subterranea”, tomo I, 2ª edição, Ed. Omega, Barcelona, 1157p. Dinis da Gama, C. (2000). Geotecnia Ambiental – Perspectivas e Aplicações. XVI Lição Manuel da Rocha. Rev. Geotecnia nº90. pp.5-50. Mantell, C.L. (1975). Solid wastes: origin collection processing and disposal. John Wiley & Sons. Navarrete, C. e Garcia, A. (2003) - “Perímetros de Protección para captaciones de agua subterrânea destinada al consumo humano.”, Inst. Geo. y Minero de Espanha, Madrid, 273p. Sant Voort, G. (Editor) (1994). Geotextiles and Geomembranes in Civil Engenieering. A.A. Balkema. Singh, D.N.; Asadi, A. e Naga Sai, G.V.S. (2022). Environmental Geotechnology – Mrting Challenges Through Needs-based Instrumentation. Wc- World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd , 860 p.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Teaching in the T component is essentially expository in nature. The TP component is used to present practical examples of T subjects, problem-solving, and processing of laboratory test results. The PL component is used to conduct laboratory classes, use software to support problem-solving, and some field trips.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.