Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Planning and Urbanism
Entry requirements |
Frequency to Routes.
Learning outcomes |
The course aims to prepare students for the design and processing aspects of roads construction and maintenance: earthmoving, earthworks, pavement mechanics, paving technology and principles of road pavement maintenance management. Aspects of maintenance management of airport pavements and railway infrastructures are also addressed, as well as road signalling and safety. The following competencies are transmitted to students: (a) Ability to understand the execution of road earthmoving and earthworks. (b) Ability to perform expedited design of flexible, rigid and semi-rigid road pavements and to understand the analytical design of flexible road pavements. (c) Recognition of road signalling and safety aspects. (d) Ability to understand road pavements maintenance management. (e) Recognition of airport pavements and railway infrastructures maintenance management aspects.
Syllabus |
1. Road earthmoving. 2. Road earthworks. 3. Road pavements (types and composition, materials, mixtures, design method, thickness design). 4. Road signalling and safety. 5. Road pavements maintenance management. 6. Other transport infrastructure maintenance management: the case of airport pavements and railway infrastructure.
Main Bibliography |
1. Apontamentos da docente para apoio à unidade curricular (Moodle). 2. T. F. Fwa. The Handbook of Highway Engineering. Boca Raton - London - New York: Taylors & Francis Group, 2006. 3. Branco, F., Pereira, P. e Picado-Santos, L. Pavimentos Rodoviários. Edições Almedina, 2016. 4. Junta Autónoma de Estradas. Manual de Concepção de Pavimentos para a Rede Rodoviária Nacional, 1995. 5. Asphalt Institute. Asphalt Pavements for Highways & Streets Manual – Thickness Design, Series N.º 1 (MS-1). USA, 2008. 6. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide. USA: AASHTO, 2008. 7. Pereira, P. e Miranda V. Gestão da Conservação dos Pavimentos Rodoviários. Braga, 1999. 8. AC 150/5380-6C. Guidelines and Procedures for Maintenance of Airport Pavements, FAA, U.S. Department of Transportation, 2014. 9. V. A. Profillidis. Railway Management and Engineering. Fourth revised edition, Greece – England – USA: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2014.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
This semester course consists of 60h of contact with the teacher, 98h of student autonomous work and 10h for evaluation (total: 168h). The course is credited with 6 ECTS. The course is structured with theoretical classes T (comprehensive learning of facts, concepts and principles), theoretical-practical classes TP (learning of methods and processes and their understanding and application through small problem solving) and practical and laboratorial classes PL (practical problem solving and development of a road project - earthmoving and pavement design). The evaluation is carried out in two phases, continuous evaluation and exam, allowing the student to dispense the exam if he/she approves in the continuous evaluation. The continuous evaluation includes: individual work with report, oral presentation and discussion (60%), practical group work (35%) and participation (5%). The evaluation under examination includes: exam (65%) and practical group work (35%).
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.