Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Systems and Computers
Entry requirements |
Not applicable.
Learning outcomes |
Offer to the students concepts and tools to needed to implement and analyse computer systems subjected to temporal restrictions, using, when appropriated, to operating systems for real-time systems (RTOS) and distributed solutions based on CAN BUS. Learning Outcomes and Skills: - Ability to define the functional and non-functional requirements of real-time systems, in particular the temporal and periodicity requirements. - Ability to design applications for real-time systems exposing their concurrency. - Ability to define and use microcontroller-based computing platforms with real-time operating systems. - Ability to design and analyze distributed systems for real time using distributed solutions based on CAN BUS. - Apply the analysis methods used to verify the temporal accuracy of a set of running tasks.
Syllabus |
During the course, the following topics are particularly relevant: i) Introduction to real-time systems. Definitions, classification, and time requirements. ii) Software frameworks for real-time systems. Cooperative systems and preemptive systems, multi-tasking kernel for real-time systems, task properties. iii) Task scheduling in real-time systems. Scheduling periodic and aperiodic tasks, static and dynamic scheduling algorithms, validation methodologies. iv) Protocols for exclusive access to shared resources. Synchronization and communication in real-time systems, priority inversion and blocking. v) Operating systems for real-time systems. International standards, commercial real-time operating systems, open source real-time kernels. vi) Local computer networks for real-time systems. Study of "CAN BUS” network for implementing real-time distributed systems .
Main Bibliography |
[A]Giorgio C. Buttazzo; Hard Real-Time Computing Systems- Predictable Scheduling Algorithms and Applications, Third Edition, Springer, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4614-0675-4 [A]Hermann Kopetz , Wilfried Steiner, Real-Time Systems Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Applications, Springuer, 2022. [B]Jane W. S. Liu; Real-time systems, Prentice-ALL, 2000. ISBN: 0-13-099651-3 [B]Qing Li; with Caroline Yao; Real-time concepts for embedded systems, CRC Press, 2003. ISBN: 978-1-57820-124-2 [B] Jonas Berge; Fieldbus for Process Control: Engineering, Operation, And Maintenance, ISA - Instrument Society of America, 2002. ISBN: 978-1556179044 [B]Konrad Etschberger; Controller Area Network: Basics, Protocols, Chips and applications, IXXAT Automation GmbH, 2001, ISBN:3-00-007376-0
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Teaching methodologies are based on top-down analysis of several case studies in order to motivate the students, guided readings (bibliographic research), and laboratory activities that are performed in a team. The curricular unit is organized in two different types of classes: theoretical classes with the exposition of the fundamental themes; and practical classes with laboratory activities. Distance learning technologies will be used, namely the moodle platform. The assessment is accomplished, with the adjusted weighting, of the theoretical knowledge assimilated by the student, his performance in laboratory activities, his bibliographic research activities, and his commitment. Assessment methods and criteria: Final mark = {50%TESTE} +{50%LAB} LAB > Laboratory activities TESTE> Exam or test mark. It is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 9,5 Val at LAB component be admitted to exam.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.