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International Marketing

Code 15421
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Economics and Management
Entry requirements Not applicable
Mode of delivery - Present in class
Work placements Not applicable
Learning outcomes This course addresses the complex international marketing environment and the need to investigate its surroundings in various dimensions: economic, social, political, technological, cultural and legal, from conceptual, methodological and pratical perspectives . On the other hand, considers how these environmental dimensions, influence and can be integrated into marketing programs and strategies.

The course takes a holistic perspective about internationalisation of firms and intends to help students:
• To develop the understanding about some key issues such as: internationalisation theories, evolution of the concept of internationalisation, internationalisation of large firms vs. SMEs, export motives and dimensions of internationalisation.
• Understanding entry strategies in international markets
•Identify the decisions relating to the selection and development for international markets
•Understanding the market entry strategies
• To develop an International Marketing Program (product, price, distribution and promotion), as part of the International Business Strategy.
Syllabus PART I. General Aspects of International / Global Marketing

CAP 0 - Introduction to the Course
CAP 1 - General concepts of international / global marketing

PART II - The international environment

CAP 2 – The economic environment
CAP 3 - The comercial environment
CAP 4 – The socio cultural environment
CAP 5 - The politic and legal environment

PART III - Strategies for entry into international markets

CAP 6 -Entry strategy in international markets
CAP 7 - The modalities of entry
CAP 8 - Research in international markests
CAP 9 - Competitive Strategies in international markets
CAP 10 - The international market selection process

PARTE IV – Global marketing mix

CAP 11 - The global marketing mix decisions
- Product
- Price
- Distribution
- Global communication
Main Bibliography HOLLENSEN, S. (2017). Global Marketing, 7th edition, Prentice-Hall Financal Times.
KEEGAN, W.; Green Mark C. (2020). Global Marketing, 10th Edition, Prentice-Hall Europe.
KOTABE, M.; Helsen, K. (2011). Global Marketing Management, 6th Edition, Wiley John Wiley & Sons, NJ.
SILVA, S. C.; MENESES, R.; PINHO, J. C. (2018). Marketing Internacional – Negócios à escala global, Actual Editora, Coimbra.
CATEORA, P. R.; GILLY, M. C.; GRAHAM, J. L. (2013). Marketing Internacional, 15ª Edição, AMGH Editora, São Paulo.
VIANA, C.; HORTINHA, J. (2005). Marketing Internacional, 2ª Edição, Edições Sílabo, Lisboa.
Articles and other supporting material provided in class
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-14

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