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General Sociology

Code 15447
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Sociology
Entry requirements n.a
Learning outcomes 1. Know the contexts in which the social sciences emerged.
2. Be confronted with the analytical and conceptual tools essential to scientific knowledge about the social.
3. Obtain an introductory knowledge of the classical theoretical perspectives, as well as current currents in Sociology.
4. Acquire the ability to debate and to take a critical and reflective stance on social reality.
Syllabus 1. The stages in the construction of sociological knowledge.
1.1 Common sense knowledge and scientific knowledge
1.2 The object of study of sociology.
1.3 Precursors of sociological thought
2. Theoretical and methodological perspectives
2.1 Introduction to the main currents and theoretical perspectives of contemporary sociology
2.2 A look at data collection and analysis in sociology

3. Society, Culture and Identity
3.1 Culture, cultural diversity and ethnocentrism
3.2 Socialisation processes

4. Globalisation and modernisation processes
4.1. The emergence of capitalism and its impact on labour conditions and relations.
4.2 Dimensions and consequences of globalisation.

5. Problems facing today's society
5.1 The social and environmental consequences of political and economic decisions.
5.2 The relationship between the expansion of economic rationality and its values and the resulting social and environmental problems: the Sustainable Development Goals.
Main Bibliography Fevre, R. (2003), The New Sociology of Economic Behaviour, London: Sage Publications.
Fulcher & Scott, Sociology, Oxford University Press.
Giddens, A. (2004). Sociologia. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 4ª ed.
Giddens, A. (1991 ), As Consequências da Modernidade, São. Paulo: Editora UNESP.
Marcelo, G. (2015), “O Novo Espírito do Capitalismo e as Transformações no Mundo do
Trabalho. Uma Perspetiva Crítica”, Journal of Studies on Citizenship and Sustainability, No.1.

Outros textos fornecidos pela docente no decurso das aulas.

Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The teaching method adopted for this course is Project-Based Learning, which involves research, reading and critically analysing texts, working in teams and developing activities in the classroom. In this course, debates will also be held, allowing students to develop their argumentation skills, both oral and written.

Given the specific nature of the course, students will have to:

a) Research various themes, concepts, authors and theoretical currents in Sociology;

b) Research and read about specific problems in contemporary societies;

c) Present and discuss the results of their research;

d) Critically support a point of view in debates;

e) Understand the importance of sharing knowledge in the classroom;

f) Present and discuss the results of their research.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-09-22

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