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Fundamentals of Economics

Code 15449
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Economics
Entry requirements Not applicable.
Learning outcomes 1.Introduce the main analytical tools applied in economic analysis;
2.Explain the concepts of demand and supply and the role of consumers, producers, market structures, and government in determining market and economic outcomes;
3.Explain the concepts of aggregate demand and supply, levels of economic activity, prices and employment, as well as economic fluctuations, the balance of payments and the implications of a persistent current account deficit;
4.Develop the ability to participate in debates on current economic issues and events;
5.Develop students' ability to organize their work activities and communicate effectively using technical concepts.
Syllabus 1 - Economics
1.1 The Economic Problem
1.2 Economic Science: positive and normative perspective
1.3 How to Answer the Economic Problem: market versus government
1.4 Market, Institutions, State and Society

2 - Tools for Economic Analysis

3 - Market
3.1 Supply and Demand
3.2 Market Equilibrium
3.3 Competitive Markets and Monopoly
3.5 International Trade

4 - Markets and Public Policy
4.1 Private Best and Social Best
4.2 Negative and Positive Externalities
4.3 Public Goods and Merit
4.4 Common Resources and Collective Action
4.5 Market, Government and Public Policy Failures
4.6 Government Intervention

5 - Economic Activity
5.1 Measures of Economic Activity
5.2 Economic Fluctuations
5.3 Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand
5.4 Shocks and Macroeconomic Stabilisation
5.5 Inflation and Unemployment

6 - Economic Growth, Deficits and Debt
6.1 Sustained Economic Growth
6.2 Economic Cycle and Budget
6.3 Deficit and Debt and Financing
Main Bibliography MANKIW, Gregory, 2009. Principles of Economics, South-Western Cengage Learning, (EG-5.0-00380/81).
Samuelson, Paul A., 2010. Economics, Boston McGraw-Hill, cop. 2010, (EG-5.0-00379) (EG-5.0-00376) (EG-5.0-00377) (EG-5.0-00378).
Pindyck, R. e Rubinfeld, D. (2018), Microeconomics, 9th edition, Pearson Education.
Pindyck, R. e Rubinfeld, D. (2010), Microeconomia, 7ª ed, São Paulo Pearson Education, cop. 2010 (EG-5.1-00120)
Other materials made available on the Moodle platform.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-03-04

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