Learning outcomes |
1.Introduce the main analytical tools applied in economic analysis; 2.Explain the concepts of demand and supply and the role of consumers, producers, market structures, and government in determining market and economic outcomes; 3.Explain the concepts of aggregate demand and supply, levels of economic activity, prices and employment, as well as economic fluctuations, the balance of payments and the implications of a persistent current account deficit; 4.Develop the ability to participate in debates on current economic issues and events; 5.Develop students' ability to organize their work activities and communicate effectively using technical concepts.
Main Bibliography |
MANKIW, Gregory, 2009. Principles of Economics, South-Western Cengage Learning, (EG-5.0-00380/81). Samuelson, Paul A., 2010. Economics, Boston McGraw-Hill, cop. 2010, (EG-5.0-00379) (EG-5.0-00376) (EG-5.0-00377) (EG-5.0-00378). Pindyck, R. e Rubinfeld, D. (2018), Microeconomics, 9th edition, Pearson Education. Pindyck, R. e Rubinfeld, D. (2010), Microeconomia, 7ª ed, São Paulo Pearson Education, cop. 2010 (EG-5.1-00120) Other materials made available on the Moodle platform.