Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
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Scientific area |
Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais
Entry requirements |
No requirements
Learning outcomes |
The UC aims to identify the nature of power flows within the institutional web of the Union, expose the specificities of the relationship between the Union and the Member States and reflect on the multiple levels of competences and attributions in matters of European public policies
Syllabus |
I – European Integration Theories and New Debates 1.1. The supranational paradigm: the importance of central institutions 1.2. The Intergovernmental Paradigm: The State as a Reference Unit 1.3. The neo-federal proposition: decentralizing federalism. 1.4 Institutionalism: Historical, Sociological and Rational Choice 1.5. Multilevel Governance.
II. Institutional System of the European Union 2.1. European Commission 2.2. European Council 2.3. Council of the European Union 2.4. European Parliament 2.5. Court of justice 2.6. European central bank 2.7. European External Action Service 2.8. European Union High Representative for Foreign Policy
III. European Policies 3.1. Monetary policy 3.2. Energy and Environmental Policy 3.3. Foreign Policy and Common Security and Defense Policy
Main Bibliography |
ABREU, Joana e REIS, Liliana. 2020 (Eds). Instituições, Órgãos e Organismos da UE. Coimbra: Almedina
CHRYSSOCHOOU Dimitris, N. 2001. Theorizing European Integration. London: Sage.
CAMPOS, João. Manual de Direito Europeu. 2010. O sistema institucional, a ordem jurídica e o ordenamento económico da União Europeia, VI Edição, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora.
CINI, Michelle e Nieves BORROGAN (ed.). 2010. European Union Politics, Oxford, Oxford University Press,
COMISSÃO DOS ASSUNTOS EUROPEUS DA ASSEMBLEIA DA REPÚBLICA. 2009. Tratado de Lisboa. Versão Consolidada, Lisboa: Assembleia da República e Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros.
CAMISÃO, ISABEL e LOBO-FERNANDES, Luís. 2006 Construir a Europa. O processo de integração entre a teoria e a história. Cascais: Principia
DINAN, Desmond. 1999. Ever Closer Union: An Introduction to European Integration .
REIS, Liliana. 2017. A Construção do Ator Securitário Europeu: A Hora das Escolhas. Lisboa: Chiado
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The teaching-learning process combines theoretical-practical classes with independent, individual or group study. This process is supported by e-learning activities, as well as close contact with the teacher. Theoretical-practical classes cover relevant topics and provide analytical tools to develop autonomy in the learning process. Theoretical approaches rely on empirical evidence and case studies. EVALUATION Attendance (35%) + Attendance (35%), Group Work (20%) and Participation (10%)
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.