Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Ciência Política
Entry requirements |
Learning outcomes |
The curricular unit is organized into 6 topics. At the end of the teaching-learning process, the student should be able to: 1. Understand and interpret the debate around the concept of political system; 2. Understand and identify the central characteristics of political systems and their subsystems; 3. Analyze the functioning of political systems in a comparative perspective 4. Understand the impact of the functioning of the political system and its possible changes on the functioning of democracy 5. Analyze the contexts and mechanisms of change in political systems 6. To frame the Portuguese political system in the light of the global comparative context.
Syllabus |
The Curricular Unit program covers the following topics:
1. Concept of political system and systemic approach 2. Political system and its subsystems 3. Political systems in comparative perspective 3.1. United Kingdom 3.2. USA 3.3. France 4. Functioning of political systems and the quality of democracy 5. Reform of political systems 6. Portuguese political system
Main Bibliography |
Duverger, M. (1985). Os Grandes Sistemas Políticos: Instituições Políticas e Direito Constitucional – 1. Coimbra: Livraria Almedina. Fernandes, A.J. (1991). Os sistemas político-constitucionais português e espanhol. Lisboa: Europa Editora. Freire, A. (org.) (2012). O sistema político português séculos XIX-XXI – continuidades e rupturas. Coimbra: Almedina. Morais, C.B. (1997). As metamorfoses do semipresidencialismo português, Revista Jurídica, n.º 22, pp. 141-159. Freire, A., Martins, M.M. & Moreira, D. (2008). Para uma melhoria da representação política. A reforma do sistema eleitoral. Lisboa: Edições Sextante. Pasquino, G. (2005). Sistemas Políticos Comparados, Cascais: Princípia.
All texts available in Moodle Plataform.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The lessons follow a theoretical-practical model, with the first part of the lesson being reserved for an exposition of the main concepts, theories and programme formulations of the content taught. The second part of the class is devoted to a practical analysis of the various political systems, with the active participation of students in analysing texts, presentations and discussions on the topics covered.
The assessment will consist of the following elements: Class debate on a set of articles (30 per cent of the final grade). Date: 28 October 2024. Preparation of a critical review (30% of the final mark). Due date: 18 November 2024. Test (40% of the final mark). Date: 09 December 2024.
Student workers will have the following assessment model: Preparation of a critical review (30% of the final grade). Due date: 18 November 2024. Test (40% of the final grade). Date: 09 December 2024.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.