Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Ciência Política
Entry requirements |
Learning outcomes |
This CU aims, on the one hand, to highlight the pluralism and scope of the main empirical theories that contributed to the development of political science and to sensitize students to a critical reflection on the conceptual, theoretical and methodological frameworks, on the other hand, that structure the analysis and research in the field of political science. Namely:
1. Identifying the object of study, the methodological pluralism and the theoretical development suited to the research structure; 2. Articulating the main empirical theories and analysis models; 3. Analyzing the critical empirical conjunctures and understanding their theoretical framework in view of the potential, limits and suitability in the scope of research; 4. Applying theoretical assumptions to concrete research projects; 5. Questioning the theoretical formulation and future contributions to political science.
Syllabus |
Part 1. FROM CONCEPTUALIZATION TO THEORY 1.1. The scientific study of politics - the role of political theory in the context of political science 1.2. Conceptualization - concepts and operationalization of concepts, state of the art and theoretical framework 1.3. Contributions to theoretical development - thematic areas of political science, methodological pluralism, research structure
Part 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK - origins, developments and contributions 2.1. Behaviorism 2.2. Structuralism 2.3. Functionalism 2.4. Systemic analysis 2.5. Rational choice analysis 2.6. Institutionalism 2.7. Constructivism
Part 3. PROBLEMATIZATION AND FUTURE 3.1. Knowledge structures, interdisciplinarity and complementarity in the production of knowledge in political science 3.2. Epistemology and method - postmodernist currents 3.3. New spaces of politicization and challenges for political theory (fragmentation, specialization and hybridization)
Main Bibliography |
- Della Porta, D. & Keating, M. (2008). Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: A pluralist perspective. Cambridge University Press. - Goodin, R. E. (Ed.). (2011). The Oxford Handbook of Political Science. Oxford University Press. - Lowndes, V., Marsh, D., & Stoker, G. (Eds.). (2018). Theory and methods in political science. Bloomsbury Publishing. - Morlino, L. A., Badie, B., & Berg-Schlosser, D. (2017). Political Science: A Global Perspective. Sage. - Pasquino, G. (2010). Curso de Ciência Política (2ª edição). Principia. - Toshkov, D. (2016). Research Design in Political Science. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The applied teaching methodologies aim to systematize and consolidate the defined objectives, contributing to the acquisition and sharing of knowledge through lectures, discussions of recommended readings, and written assessments.
Continuous Assessment (Regular): Participation and discussion in class: 40% Written assessments: 60%
Final Assessment (working students): Final exam: 100%
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.