Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Electrotechnics and Electronics
Entry requirements |
Adequate knowledge of mathematics and physics. Basic concepts of derivatives and integrals. General physics concepts.
Learning outcomes |
To provide a very broad base of knowledge, in the fields of basic electronics and semiconductor electronics, which constitute the support base for more advanced specialized disciplines. This UC transmits the necessary knowledge for the acquisition of skills in these two parts. The first involves the electrical current, laboratory equipment and basic laws and theorems. The second involves the basic semiconductor components, analog circuits with transistors and operational amplifiers and digital circuits with logic families and analog - digital converters.
Syllabus |
1- Electric current and its propagation. Electronics nature of the substance. Insulator, conductor and semiconductor. Direct current, unidirectional and alternated. Transport of energy. 2- Laboratorial equipment and measure Power source, and signals generator. Voltmeter, frequencemeter and oscilloscope. 3- Basic laws and theorems of circuits. Resistivity and resistance. Thermister. Law of Ohm, Kirchoff. Theorem of Kennelly, overlapping, Thevenin and Norton, Miller. Capacitors and coils. Transformers. Fasor. Diagrams of Bode. Filters. 4- Basic semiconductor components. Normal diode, Zener, Shottky, varicap. light diodes (Led, Laser, Pin and APD). Rectification of half and full wave. Regulation. 5- Analogical circuits. Transistor bipolar and of field effect. Types of amplification. Concept of feedback. Operational amplifier. 6- Digital circuits. Logical families: TTL, CMOS and ECL. Fan-out. Noise matgin. Basic digital components. Converters ADC and DAC. Types of ADCs.
Main Bibliography |
1- Electronics vol.1, vol.2 (Millman Halkias). 2- Fundamentals of Electronics, Paperback (Antonio Reis) 3 - Analogical Electronics (Antonio G. Padilla) 4- Digital Electronics (Antonio G. Padilla) 5- Introduction to the Electronics (J. Sousa Lopes)
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Evaluation: Tests + Laboratory. Frequency: Students with a laboratory grade equal to or higher than 10 values. Minimum learning classification of 6 values. Presence in theoretical classes equal to or greater than 50%. Presence in laboratory classes equal to or greater than 80%. Laboratory grade = 50% (performance) + 50% (report). FINAL NOTE: 75% (frequency test or exam) + 25% (laboratory grade). APPROVAL: Final grade equal to or higher than 10 values. Note: Final grade equal to or higher than 16 values requires confirmation or justification. Need defense. Frequency test: 20/12/2024, 14h 30m.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.