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Power Electronics

Code 15779
Year 3
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload PL(15H)/T(30H)/TP(15H)
Scientific area Electrotechnics and Electronics
Entry requirements Not Applicable.
Mode of delivery Face-to-Face.
Work placements Not Applicable.
Learning outcomes To give students the ability to choose and use simple power electronic converters.
Syllabus Electronic switches: Diode, Thyristor, Thyristor GTO, Transistors , MOSFET and IGBT.
Transients in DC and AC circuits
Periodical electrical waves: Concept of time period, mean and rms values, power and power factor, form factor and ripple factor.
Fourier analysis.
AC / DC Converters (rectifiers): single phase and three-phase rectifiers with different types of loads.
Fixed frequency AC/ AC Converters (Dimmers and soft-starters): topologies and applications.
Main Bibliography D. S. B. Fonseca, Classroom slide presentation “Eletrónica de Potência” (Power electronics, in portuguese), UBI, Covilhã 2014 (available in the Moddle platform.
P. C. Sen: "Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics", John Wiley & Sons.
M. H. Rashid: "Power Electronics Circuits, and Applications", Prentice Hall.
N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland, W. P. Robbins: "Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design", John Wiley & Sons.
Guy Séguier, “Le Électronique de Puissance”, Dunod, 1974
João C. P. Palma “Accionamentos Electromecânicos de Velocidade Variável” (in portuguese), Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa 1999
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria At the theoretical classes the course contents are presented through classic methodologies, which can be done by videoconference. The laboratory classrooms are devoted to the conduct of tests and computer model simulations. All need documentation is previously available on Moodle platform.
All students who are present in 75% of all classes and obtained positive grade in the practical component are allowed to do the exam.
Exemption from final examination is subject to obtaining a minimum grade of 10 (ten), in a maximum grade of 20 (twenty) in the practical component and a minimum grade of 40% in the written test. The continuous evaluation grade is assigned according to: NFreq = 0.75xNT +0.25xNP.
The students allowed to do the exam must obtain a minimum grade of 10 (ten), in a maximum grade of 20 (twenty) in the written exam. The final grade is obtained according to: NF = Greatest of {(0.75x NE +0.25xNP);NFreq}.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-09-20

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