Syllabus |
Electronic switches: Diode, Thyristor, Thyristor GTO, Transistors , MOSFET and IGBT. Transients in DC and AC circuits Periodical electrical waves: Concept of time period, mean and rms values, power and power factor, form factor and ripple factor. Fourier analysis. AC / DC Converters (rectifiers): single phase and three-phase rectifiers with different types of loads. Fixed frequency AC/ AC Converters (Dimmers and soft-starters): topologies and applications.
Main Bibliography |
D. S. B. Fonseca, Classroom slide presentation “Eletrónica de Potência” (Power electronics, in portuguese), UBI, Covilhã 2014 (available in the Moddle platform. P. C. Sen: "Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics", John Wiley & Sons. M. H. Rashid: "Power Electronics Circuits, and Applications", Prentice Hall. N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland, W. P. Robbins: "Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design", John Wiley & Sons. Guy Séguier, “Le Électronique de Puissance”, Dunod, 1974 João C. P. Palma “Accionamentos Electromecânicos de Velocidade Variável” (in portuguese), Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa 1999