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Finishing and Printing Technologies

Code 15805
Year 2
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload PL(30H)/T(30H)
Scientific area Ciência e Tecnologia Têxteis
Entry requirements ---
Learning outcomes Study different techniques and processes in the areas of finishing and printing of textile materials. Empower students with knowledge about the principles of textile finishing and printing, including products, machinery and processes. Identify and describe the different techniques and processes for finishing and printing textile materials.
Relate the properties of textile materials with finishing processes.
Apply CAD systems for engraving screen printing and rollers.
Select the most suitable printing processes depending on the textile and the wanted effect.
Perform experimental work that simulates industrial textile finishing and printing operations and discuss the results obtained.
Matching technologies to market demand.
Relate finishing and printing processes with environmental aspects and energy costs.
Syllabus General aspects of the finishing process on different textile materials. Chemical and mechanical finishes. Chemistry of crosslinkers. Detergents and detergency. Coatings. Coating and lamination. Textile substrates and their characteristics. Polymers. Polymer application systems. Nature and functions of the additives used. Special finishes, functionalization by coating and applications. Processes and equipment for the industrial application of coatings. Environmental aspects in finishing processes.
General aspects of textile printing and fabric preparation for printing. Application of CAD systems in printing. Printing techniques, printing with flatbed screen, rotary screen, transfer, and digital printing. Rheology and preparation of printing pastes. Printing processes: direct print, discharge print and resist print. Processes used to obtain special effects in printing. Environmental aspects of printing.
Main Bibliography G.A.. Principles of Textile Finishing, Textile Institute 2021
W.D. Schindler, P. J. Hauser, Chemical Finishing of Textiles, Woodhead Publishing, 2004
L.W.C. Miles (Editor), Textile Printing, Society of Dyers and Colourists, Revised 2nd Ed., 2003
J.M. Lucas, Sebenta de Tecnologia do Acabamento, UBI, Covilhã
F. Franco F. e J. M. Fiadeiro, Estampagem de Materiais Têxteis, 2002
M. Lewin, S. B. Sello (Editors), Handbook of Fiber Science and Technology - Chemical Processing of Fibers and Fabrics - Functional Finishes, Part A and B, Marcell Dekker, 1984
A.J. Hall, Textile Finishing, Heywood Books/ American Elsevier Publishing Company, 1966
D. J. Hill et al, An Introduction to Textiles - Textile Wet Processing, Vol. IV, Eurotex, 1993
J. Knott, B. Robinson, Wool Carbonising, Eurotex, 1994
M. Van Parys, Coating, Eurotex, 1994
A.J. Hall, The Standard Handbook of Textiles, Newnes-Butterworths, 1975
P. Viallier, Energy Uses in the Textile Finishing Industry, Eurotex, 1990
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-13

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