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  3. European Identity and Citizenship – Challenges to the European Integration
  4. European Identity and Citizenship – Challenges to the European Integration

European Identity and Citizenship – Challenges to the European Integration

Code 15820
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 5
Workload OT(70H)/S(15H)/TC(15H)/TP(50H)
Scientific area Relações Internacionais
Entry requirements None
Learning outcomes The Curricular Unit has the following objectives:
1) Deepen knowledge about the historical path of the EU
2) identify how the European Union works
3) analyze the main challenges of the European project
4) understand the relationship between the various European institutions
5) address the main values ??associated with the European Union.
Syllabus 1. From the constitutional project to the Lisbon Treaty (Professor Rute Couto)
2. European integration and populism(s): metamorphosis, or History sinking into oblivion - European values and identity
3. Europe without borders (E+) – Workshop
4. Human Rights - the European contribution
5. The construction of the European project
6. European Policies (Group Work)
7. Moving to Portugal: refugees and migrants’ identities (re)configurations processes
8. The EU role in the world
9. The role of the ECB in the European project: a perspective from a banking supervis
10. Quo Vadis Europa?
11. European Culture and Heritage
Main Bibliography Berend, I (2019). Against European Integration: The European Union and its Discontents. Routledge.

Camisão, I. & Lobo-Fernandes, L. 2006 Construir a Europa. O processo de integração entre a teoria e a história. Cascais: Principia

Costa, B.F. (2019). Quo Vadis Europa. A encruzilhada europeia - entre o romantismo e o pragmatismo político. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.

Cocco, E. (2017). Where is the European Frontier? The Balkan Migration Crisis and its Impact on Relations between the EU and the Western Balkans. European View, 16(2), 293–302.

De Cleen, B., Moffitt, B., Panayotu, P. & Stavrakakis, Y. (2020). The potentials and difficulties of transnacional populism: the case of the democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25). Political Studies, 68(1), 146-166.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2022-09-12

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