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  4. Organização e Gestão do Treino no Futsal

Organização e Gestão do Treino no Futsal

Code 15898
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 7
Workload O (5H)/T(15H)/TP(15H)
Scientific area Sports Sciences
Entry requirements NA
Learning outcomes The operationalization of the training process depends on the ability of the coach, given the planning and programming carried out, to continuously adjust his intervention to the moment of the team and the demands of the competitive environment. This curricular unit will allow the development of skills in terms of planning and preparing the microcycle, the training sessions, the associated contents and their interrelationship, based on the type of competition, the moment of the season, the microcycle (number of trainings; congestion) and the level of teams.
Syllabus Assumptions for training planning and programming
training microcycle
Workout programming and exercise construction
Assumptions for creating and handling attack drills
Assumptions for creating and handling defense exercises
Assumptions for creating and handling strategic situation exercises
Assumptions for creating and manipulating GR training exercises
Case studies
Main Bibliography NA
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-05

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