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Technical Drawing

Code 16130
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 4,5
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Entry requirements N.A.
Learning outcomes To understand Technical Drawing as a professional and universal language, acquiring skills regarding the fundamental rules and methodologies of Technical Drawing.
To know how to read and interpret technical drawings.
Acquire skills enabling the modelling industrial equipment, verifying its functionality, and perform its graphic representation, using Computer Aided Design systems.
Syllabus Introduction to Technical Drawing.
Standards associated with the Technical Drawing: lettering; types of lines; drawing paper sizes; title blocks; item lists; scales.
Orthogonal projections: the concept of projection; view selection; reading of projections; realization of dimensioned sketches.
Cuts and sections: types of cuts; representation of cuts; conventional representations; cuts in assembly drawings; sections.
Axonometric projections: classification of perspectives; quick perspectives of geometric solids.
Dimensioning: fundamental aspects; dimensioning of special representations.
Tolerances: dimensional and geometric tolerances; ISO system of tolerances and fits. Surface Finish.
Representation of connecting elements and transmission systems.
Implementation of Technical Drawing concepts using Computer Aided Design tools based on parametric modeling tools.
Main Bibliography Correia, H.J.D. (2010). Desenho Técnico e Sistemas de Representação Gráfica – Caderno de Exercícios, 1ª edição. Serviços Gráficos da UBI, Covilhã.
Silva, A., Ribeiro, C.T., Dias, J. e Sousa, L. (2004). Desenho Técnico Moderno. Lidel, Edições Técnicas, Lisboa.
Simões Morais, J.M. (2006). Desenho de Construções Mecânicas, 3º Volume – Desenho Técnico Básico, 23ª Edição. Porto Editora, Porto.
Giesecke, F.E., Mitchell A., Spencer, H.C., Hill, I.L., Dygdon, J.T., Novak, J.E. (2003). Technical Drawing, 12th edition. Prentice Hall, Inc.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Theoretical-practical classes in which, in addition to a theoretical introduction to the various subjects covered in the discipline, students develop a set of practical examples, whose completion requires individual work in addition to classes.
The evaluation (AV) will be carried out during the academic activities based on the classifications obtained in 2 assessment tests - TA1 and TA2 (40% and 45% weight in the final classification) and in the individual works carried out during the academic semester - TPC (15% weight in the final classification).
After the academic activities, the evaluation will be based on the classification obtained in the exam and in the individual works.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2025-01-06

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