Main Bibliography |
Main Bibliography: – James Stewart, Daniel Clegg, Saleem Watson – Cálculo, Volume 1, Cengage (2022) Additional Bibliography: – Apostol, T.M., Cálculo, Vol. 1, Reverté, 1993 – H. Anton, I. Bivens, S. Davis, Cálculo, volume I, 8.ª Edição, Bookman, 2007 – Adams, Robert Alexander_ Essex, Christopher - Calculus a complete course, Pearson (2018) – João Paulo Santos, Cálculo numa Variável Real, IST Press, 2012 – Mann, W. R., Taylor, A. E., Advanced Calculus, John Wiley and Sons, 1983 – Swokowski, E. W., Cálculo com Geometria Analítica, Vol. 1 e 2, McGrawHill, 1983
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Classes are both theoretical and practical. The teacher introduces key concepts and results, illustrating the theory with examples and applications. Students are encouraged to participate actively, engaging with the teacher and peers, reflecting on the topics, formulating and solving problems, and completing exercises. Independent work is also promoted.
Assessment Criteria:
1. The assessment may take place during the course or in a final examination. 2. Knowledge evaluation during the course will be conducted periodically through two written tests, each lasting two hours and worth ten (10) points. These tests will be held on 4th November 2024 and 7th January 2025. 3. Students who achieve a score of 9.5 or higher in the course assessments will be exempt from the final examination. 4. Any attempt at academic dishonesty will result in failure of the Calculus I course.